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One foot in front of the other I concentrated on not tripping up as I strode down the street keeping my head low to avoid any eye contact. Not that there was much I could make eye contact with. The street itself looked dangerous and abandoned, lamp posts cradling yellow bulbs that flickered dimly in contrast to the pitch black sky. The old brick buildings on either side of me were faded and looked as if they would collapse at the slightest disturbance.

Suddenly a violent force impacted me from behind, causing my twig-like legs to crumple like paper underneath me.

"What the hell?!" I coughed, outrage and fear pulsing through my veins like a raging river, I didn't come here to start a stupid fight.

"Let him stand, Henry."

A harsh female voice reverberated from behind me and almost instantly I felt the large weight remove itself from my back.
I immediately rolled onto my back and scrambled to my feet, almost tripping as stars exploded in my head.
I heard a gun cock and somehow finding my balance I froze, slowly raising my gaze to get a glimpse of my offenders. In front of me stood a slim, short female with ripped sleeves and spiky short hair. Next to her stood a stocky tall male who was also dressed in ripped sleeves showing off his muscles with a bandana covering half of his face.

"What do you want?"


I laughed dryly, "you've certainly decided to rob the right person then," I chuckled, sarcasm dripping from my tone.
Henry growled, and the woman pointed the loaded gun at me.

"Don't be smart with us," she warned in a disapproving tone.
"I don't have any money." I replied, glaring at them and shoving my hands deeper into my pockets and grasping onto my wallet like it was the most precious thing in the world.

The woman looked at her partner and nodded before turning back to the man and aiming at his head she fired.
I closed my eyes, expecting the bullet to rupture my head any second.
Any second now.
But there was only silence.
Confused, I warily opened my eyes, screaming as I realised the bullet was inches away from my nose, frozen in place. My eyes widening I observed the world around me and realised with a jolt of shock that everything was frozen, the rats running along the gutter were suspended in time, motionless.
Looking up I noticed that the dust and bugs lit up under the streetlamp were also still.
I closed my eyes, it was so silent; the only thing I heard was the sound of my heart thumping painfully hard against my chest and my own rapid breathing.
I hesitated for a moment more before snapping my eyes open and fleeing the street, racing back to my car and watching the world spring to life as I touched the cool steel handle and swung open my door before leaping into the driver's seat and starting the engine. With one last look out the window I shuddered as a cry of frustration sound before quickly revving the engine and speeding away.

Over the following weeks time froze multiple other times, it was always a strange buzzing sensation that I knew I would never get sick of. I had managed to figure out that I wasn't the person controlling time, someone else was; I had no idea who it could be, but they obviously must have been watching me on the night I cheated death. I had no idea how or why I didn't freeze with time, I'm just different I guess.

It was a Monday morning when it happened, the event that changed my life forever, quite literally. I was walking along the crowded street keeping my head low to avoid making eye contact with any other person when I felt it, the now comfortingly familiar tugging at my stomach and the buzz of energy.
But this time was different.

As time around me froze, I realised the energy buzz was getting weaker by the second, and I felt a jolt of panic as strong as lightning pass through my body as I realised that the time freezer was dying.

"Change it back!! Change it please!"
My desperate scream echoed coldly through the frozen streets and I collapsed onto the hard concrete sidewalk, a sob building up into a lump that wedged itself in my throat like a stubborn piece of food.
Then it was gone. The fading buzzing feeling was gone, and the time freezer had died.
I looked at the sky, hot tears streaming down my face and a pit of dread in my stomach. I was on my own now, etched into a single moment in time all alone forever.

Yeet yeet this was for school and I passed thankfully

So I thought I'd just post it on here.

It's kinda a copy of a short story I saw on tumblr but
Who cares
Not me¿

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