Question 5

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I have many many memories in my mind gud and bad, but these two will stick in my mind forever

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I have many many memories in my mind gud and bad, but these two will stick in my mind forever

1: I woke up one night to a thunderstorm and because I couldn't get back to sleep I went out into the lounge to watch the lightning (our lounge had huge window sliding doors that stretched a few metres across, we don't live ther anymore but it was my favourite house) and it was pitch black apart from the silhouette of my dad sitting right next to the window, (this memory is very special because now my parents are split and my dad lives 8 hours away so I barely see him) and I pulled up a chair and just sat there talking with him for about an hour as the lightning dazzled and the thunder ripped across the sky. It was magic, the stuff of movies.

2: When Storme asked me out <33333 sweet bab

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