Sad story? (AoH)

151 17 7

Yes ik ik I've been inactive, apologies my beans.

And I felt like writing something sad so I present to you.

This mini


Wake up.

Lloyd, wake up."

She heard Runes gentle pawsteps behind her, and felt his tail on her back.
"He's gone Lee."
His voice was hoarse like there was something against his throat.

"There's nothing we can do."

No no no no no."

She dug her claws into the ragged blue grey fur of the body next to her.

"He can't be.
This wasn't how it was supposed to be.
He can't be dead.

He.. he's the demon of illusions, right?
This isn't real.
This is not real.
He's.. he's just.. tricking me."

Tears pricked in her eyes as a cool breeze whispered in her ears and tugged at her matted bloody fur.

"Lee, you-"

"No Rune. This isn't real

This CANT be real


She shoved the still figure next to her.



Her voice cracked and she felt warm tears slide down her cheeks.


Please just wake up..
I can't loose you too.."

Rune watched her with sorrow shadowing his gaze, and tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Lee.. he's gone."

Lee scrunched her eyes shut.
"This wasn't how it was supposed to end, you promised Lloyd.. you promised me you'd be ok.

You.. you said you'd come back.
Please come back."

Rune stood still along with other reapers by his side, his eyes brimming with tears.

"He never meant it.
He never meant to harm anyone."

Rune whispered, half to himself.
Realisation and horror dawned in his eyes and he realised tears were streaming down his cheeks.

"He never meant to harm me.
I'm sorry I let you go Lloyd.

I'm sorry I let you fall again."

His paws trembled and he hutched over the body, grieving silently.

Lee collapsed on top of Lloyd's limp body.

"Please just open your eyes and laugh that stupid laugh of yours and tell me this is all a cruel joke."

She choked on her words as a sob rose in her throat. She closed her eyes as The Demons if the Abyss filed around her, grief plastered on their faces.

"Stupid furface."

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