It Worked Out

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Tuesday, August 22nd

I wake up slowly when I feel myself being shakes gently.

"Yeah-" I groan as I look up and see gray.

"Get dressed, I want to show you something" he gets off the bed.

"What time is it" I sit up

"12, now get up" he chuckles

I roll out of bed, then I make the bed and go into the bathroom. I take a quick pregnancy test, but- nothing...

I sigh and go back into the room. I put on Adidas joggers, my black and white adidas shirt, then my slides.

Can you tell I like adidas?

I grab my phone and slide it into my pocket. I then put my hair in a high pony tailed I walk out into the living room.

He was already outside in the car so I go outside then get in his car.

"Ready?" He says as I buckle up.

"Yep" I pop the p

He rests his hand on my knee and pulls out of the driveway.

He then puts on the radio and I listen to him sing along with j cole, then u just get lost in my thoughts.

Last night was very weird. I found out I can't be a surgeon, then I was being stupid, which lead to me and gray getting into this huge fight about work.

The fight was so big that he slept on the couch. But, around 2 a.m. gray came into the room because he couldn't sleep and I couldn't sleep.

He later next to me and we both apologized. Then before I knew it, we were pretty 'active'

I snap out of my thoughts when we pull up to the Santa Monica.

"What are we doing here?" I turn to face gray.

"To have fun" he says in a dub tone then pulls the keys out of the ignition.


"No, we are gonna have fun today, forget about everything"

I sigh ad I open my door.

"Shut up, we got until four" he jokes.

We meet eachother in front of the car and he takes my hand. We just walk in since gray use to be ride manager here a few years ago.

We go the the games for a while, then we go on rides, then we ate. We both got burritos... hey, we get to cheat on our diets once in a while.

I gotta be honest, I needed this. Jist a day to have fun. I think we both needed this. We needed nice and long laughs. He always knows the right thing to do. I really have no idea how I would properly function without him.

Around 3:30 we head back to the car.

"Thank you" I say and look at him

"For what?" He chuckles and looks at me.

"Everything...just existing" I smile

He pecks me on the lips. "Well in that case... Thank you"

We laugh and arrive to the car and get inside.

He starts the car and we leave the pier. I rest my head back on the seat and look out the window as he drives.

I then notice he misses the turn he had to make to get to the house.

"Babe, you missed the turn" I sit up

"I know" he smirks evily.

I squint in curiosity "what are you up too?"

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