Dramatic Irony

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[ Dramatic Irony: when the audience/ readers know something but the characters in the story dont; enjoy 🙃 ]

Jeffs P.O.V. (creepy neighbor)

I wake up on the couch. Fucking my life. I stand up and crack my back. I look around. Wow, the house is a fucking mess.

I walk down the hall to my room, or should i say the fucking dumpster. i go inside and look at my mattress all my clothes, and old  cigarettes on the floor. i step around the random girls bra that was laying on my floor and go and grab a shirt.

shit, no clean clothes... i slam the closet door and leave my room. i head over to my moms room. yes, i still live with my mom...sadly. i go in her room and she is layng in bed with a random guy. without waking her, i go into her closet and grab some of my dads old shirts.

she still has them. you would think that after 15 years, she would get rid of his clothes. i mean yeah, he ODed, she finds it upseting, but when my twin sis found him we were both kind of relieved.

you might be thinking what the fuck is wrong with this kid...right?

well, there is actual reason why my sis and i were okay with him dying. its because he was a dealer, and he would beat our mom everyday, and to the point where is passed out or bleeding.

and even through that, my mom still loved him with every piece of her...i guess thats love right? fucked up, and fake. i mean, think about it...you never choose who you fall in love with...it kind of just happens, and when they treat you badly you stay cause you cant think of a live without them.

anyway, enough with the depressing shit...

i leave my moms room and put on the shirt. i go into the kitchen and find left over enchiladas from a weel ago. i heat it up and that my breakfast. i got to admit, my life is shit. i laugh to myself. but its whatever, as long as i got my mama and my psycho sis.

as im eating, i pull out my phone and go through instagram. soon my mom and the random guy come out into the living room, the guy leaves and my mom comes over to the table and sits down.

she takes out a cigarette and i hand her the lighter.

"your sister is coming today"

"when?" i get up and throw out the empty container.

she looks at the clock on the wall. "now...she should be here now...why the fuck is she always late?!" she stands up and pushes the chair back in roughly. i hear a car and see her silver bmw. she has been doing good ever since that asshole guy broke up with her a few years ago.

"she is here" i point out the window.

my mom whips her head around "little bitch better have my money" she takes a puff from her cigarette.

she comes into the house "hey" she smiles

she is dressed in a pink shirt, a black crop top and whie heels with her MK handbag...like i said, she is doing good. she has always been a little girly for the family, she acts like she comes from a rich self centered manshion, but in reality, she comes from a shithole house where our dad was a drug dealer and our mom is adrug addict and stripper.

and me...well i consider myself a tech genius...i can hack into anything i want, whether is doctor files, FBI cameras, and big social media accounts.

"alyssa! where is my money" my mom yells and goes up to her. i follow my mom to make sure she doesnt do anything stupid.

"well hello to you to" she laughs and starts to go through her bag and pulls out a plastic ziploc. "ive got better than money" she hands the bag to my mom.

my mom takes it and opens it "420" my mom smiles, hugs alyssa and then runs back to her room. i go up to her. "fucking really alyssa? more drugs" i whisper yell.

"oh relax jeffy, its not like its heroine" she pats my chest and goes into the kitchen.

she sits down. "jeff, come on...i dont have a lot of time"

i sigh and grab my crappy laptop and sit next to her. i log in. and the files i hacked into pop up.

"so anything new?" she nags

"give me a sec" i go into her doctors files.

she starts nagging more.

"okay! shut the fuck up already..."

she huffs. after a few minutes i find something.

"she is pregnant" i say

"what!" she screeches in my ear. "again!"

"apparently" i rub my ear

"ugh! hope she has another fucking miscarriage that bitch"

"woah...little harsh...dont you think" i furrow my eyebrows.

"no. she stole MY grayson from me. that whore has something coming" she takes my computer and scrolls through.

like i said before, my sister is a psycho. i hear the mail man. so i get up. "im gonna go get the mail" i say as i walk out of the house and go up to my mail box. i take out the mail. i look up and see violet through her window...gotta say, she is mighty fine, like you dont have to ask me twice to tap that ass.

i smirk. if it wasnt for alyssa making me stalk this girl, maybe i would actually be able to act normal around her.

i look through the mail and see a post card that says ' wedding day september 3rd'  of shit this must be for her and grayson. i look up again and see her walking out of the house. i quickly go and lean up again alyssas car and act casual. she grabs her mail. and starts walking back up to the house.

"hey wait!" i shout. she stops and looks at me. i put the rest of the mail down and jog over to her.

"i got this today" i say and i hold out the card.

"oh...okay...thanks" she takes it and walks away.

"congrats!" i shout.

i stand there until she gets into her house. than i grab the rest of the mail and run back into the house.

"alyssa! they are getting married on the 3rd!!" i say out of breath.

she whips her body around and her face is beat red.




"get a notepad...i have an idea"

i get a notepad a go back to my seat next to her. "whats your plan?"

i look up at her and she just has the most evil grin plastered on her face.

i get the chills...

for the first time ever, im scared of my sister.

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