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Tuesday, August 29th

I wake up when my phone starts to ring. I groan.

"Turn it off!" Grayson grunts and puts his pillow over his head.

I sit up and reach over to get my phone. It's  1 p.m.  damn we slept late. It's Vanessa so I answer

"Yes" I rub my forehead

"Woah, what's up with you"

"Late night last night" I exhale


"No, not like that...wedding stuff"

All of a sudden I get hit by a pillow. "Leave" he groans

I laugh. "Fine sleepy"

I roll out of bed and go into the kitchen. I rest my phone between my shoulder and ear. And reach up to grab the cereal.

"So what's up?" I say as I lick my lips.

"We hanging out today right?" She says

"Oh right, you have news for me"

"Yeah. So what time"


"OKAY, see you then"  then she just hangs up.

I look at my phone and furrow my eyebrows. What was that about. I laugh to myself.

I put my phone down on the counter and take my medicine and vitamins. I wonder what she has to tell me.

I hear my phone get a notification.i look at my phone and see i got an email from the place Ness and I wanna hold ethan and Graysons surprise party.

I open it and it just wants me to confirm the date so I email back and I shut my phone off. I pour myself some orange juice and lean again the counter. I take a sip and sigh.

I put my hand on my stomach and smirk. "Twins" I whisper to myself. I lick my lips and put my cup down on the counter.

I go into the living room to put on the tv. But I can't find the remote. I move the pillows and I move the cushions but it's no where. "What the fuck" I stand there and put my hands on my hips.

Grayson was watching tv last...wher-  OH!!

I turn around and face the tv and see the remote sitting on top of the tv. Grayson always, ALWAYS puts the remote on top of the tv when he is done, I have no idea why...but he does.

I take it and put on the tv. How I met your mother was on so I keep it on and toss the remote back on the couch. I like the background noise.

I decide to go get the mail so I go to the hall closet and grab Graysons jean jacket and put it on. Then I put on my slides that were by the front door.

I go outside and walk to my mail box. I open it and see a large yellow envelope with my name on it from UCLA. Omg....

I grab the rest of the mail and look up to see Jeff the creepy neighbor leaning on a silver bmw with the license plate 'badbish' written on it. I just act like I didn't see him and start to walk over to the house.

"Hey wait!"

I hear and stop in my tracks. I look to the left and see him jogging over to me with a card in his hand.

"I got this today"  he hands me the card

I look at it and it's a post card from my grandma and on the picture side it says in big letters,  'wedding day September 3rd'

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