The Day ( Part 2 )

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[ yes, that is the picture from the first book of the series 😂 ]

Sunday, September 3rd

I check the time and its 4:50


i start to panic, he would be late... literally everyone in the wedding has been texting him. ethan i have been calling back and forth but it would go straight to voice mail.

ness and janet already went out to everyone to tell them the wedding will start later than expected.

i start pacing back and forth and squeezing my phone waiting for grayson to anwser or show up. im on the verge of tears.

"vi, relax" ness tries to calm me down

"relax!!!" tears stream down my face "my fiance is missing!! where the fuck is he" my fear shines through.

"you otay aunt vi?" amanda asks.

"lets go take a walk okay?" janet says and takes nikki and amanda out of the room so they dont have to see me freaking out.

ethan runs into the room and automatically stop pacing and go up to him. "is he here?! has he texted you?"

he shakes his head "i was coming to see if you guys have heard anything" he looks at me then ness.

i exhale and siy down slowly on the arm chair. "where is he" i cover my face with my hands.

i hear ness get up and come over to me, she sits on the arm of the chair ad rubs my back. "he will show up, its okay"

"this doesnt make sense" he almost yells in absolute frustration. "something has have to happen! he wouldnt just disappear"

"obviously e, he loves her with everything he has" ness snaps

i then rest my head on ness. i look over at my dress thats still in the plastic. "i have to go look for him" i get up and slip on my converse.

"what? you cant leave? what if he shows up?" ness stands up and crosses her arms.

"i have my phone" i grab my phone and hold it up. i take off my brides robe and hang it on the back of a chair. so now im just in my reception dress with converse.

"ill go with you" ethan says and takes off his tux jacket and his tie.

"okay" i lick my lips "we will be back ness" i say to her and we both leave. she just sighs and plops herself down on the chair.

"i have the bronco and gray took my car" ethan say as we walk toward the building exist.

on our way out we bump into my grams and lorenzo. we tell them that we are going to look for grayson and they agreed that that is a good idea an that they were going to go tell everyone whats happening.

ethan and i get inside the bronco, i see why gayson took ethans car because on the back of the bronco it has a bunch of luggage for me and gray cause apparently grayson got us a trip to hawaii for our honey moon.

ethan also informs me that kevin and my grams chipped in. to think about it, thats probably what kevin went to do with my grams yesterday.

i put on my seatbelt and so does ethan. we decide to first check gray and i house. we picked to check the house first because why not? that is where he went last, but why would he still be there?

i take the flowers out of my hair and put it in a pony tail. good thing i left my hairties on my wrist. and yes, i just put a 4 hour hair due in a high pony tail, deal with it.

Us // [3rd book]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora