5 Years Later

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Wednesday, August 1st

"emily, would you like to share the poem you wrote for the project?" i say as i sit on top of one of the empty students desk.

"sure" she shrugs

"go ahead" i gesture her up to the front.

she stands in front and pulls up her bra and flips her hair. shes sighs then begins her presentation.

everyone has it,
they have it cause they want to be you
everyone is jealous of me cause they want to be me"

she puts down her paper and she turns to me and smiles.

i raise my eyebrows. "well, that- that was interesting...?"

she goes to her seat. emily isnt the most poetic person i teach, she is still stuck in her 'im a high school prom queen' stage. if you couldnt tell, the assignment was to compose a poem describing your life or you.

i stand up and stand in front of the class. "okayyy, who's next?" i smirk

the class looks at one another and then back at me. "come on, its not that bad...this is an writer's AP english class, your suppose to be willing to come up here and show your work" i cross my arms

i see daisy slowly raise her hand. i smile and nod. "come up" i go and sit on top of my desk.

daisy is my best student, she reminds me of me when i was in high school. she works hard and she knows what she wants. i can say that her and i are close, she comes to me with her problems, she once told me im the mom figure in her life.

she gets to the front and looks at me. she gets nervous when she is in front of the classroom which is the only thing we dont have in common.

i nod and mouth ' you can do it"

she nods and looks down at her paper. she takes a deep breath.

"love hurts,
love hurts because its not just feelings and emotions cause
feelings and emotions dont last forever. it will never change...
the love that you have for another will never stop hurting, especially when the other doesnt share the same love.
suffering is in the same package as love. because you can suffer without love and you cant love without suffer"

she licks her lips and looks up. the whole class including me claps for her. a huge smile spreads across her face.

"truely beautiful daisy" i bite my bottom lip

she goes back to her seat and her best friend johnny gives her a high five.

the bell rings. "okay guys, whoever didnt present today, must go tomorrow, no exceptions unless you want a zero" i say as i sit at my desk.

as everyon walks out, they say bye to me and i put on my glasses to grade some essays. most of the guys in my class give me fist bumps on their way out and today they all wished me a happy birthday.

" Mrs, D..."

i hear and look up to see daisy and johnny. i put my glasses on top of my head and smile. "whats up"

"ill meet you outside?" daisy turns to him and smiles.

he nods and goes outside the classroom. she watches him as he leaves.

i notice that she stares at him the way i looked at grayson all my life.

"whats up daisy darling" i say as a joke. she giggles.

"can you do somthing for me?" she says.

"depends" i arch my eyebrow and giggle

i lean forward in my chair as she starts to speak. "can you write me a recomendation letter for new york film academy?"

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