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Sunday, August 27th

I wake up again with a really bad cramp, I try to ignore it and roll over to my side. I put my hand over where the pain is and I grunt. I grab my phone and check the time. 4:45 a.m.

I slam my phone back down.

"Babe?" I hear

I turn over to see Grayson sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"You okay?" He says still half asleep.

I finally got the nerve to sit up. "No, I'm in pain!"

"What do you mean?" He says almost worried.

I get out of bed and jog over to the bathroom with my hand still on my stomach. I hear him chase after me and I go into the bathroom and plop myself in front of the toilet. Do i have to throw up? Like what the fuck is wrong with me.

He bursts in. "What the fuck is going on?!"

I groan " I have this- sharp pain-" I force as the pain fades

He bends down next to me. "You have to go to the doctors"

"It's okay, I'm fine" I stand up. "See" i force a smile

"Your going to the doctors, your in pain and wouldn't you like that to stop"

"Grayson, fine" I say and walk past him. I'm gonna be honest. I hate getting help. I hate it when the attention is on me.

"Violet, stop" he grabs my arm so I face him. "I know what this is about"

"Oh do you Grayson, do you really?" I cross my arms.

"Yeah" he snaps "you just hate getting the help you need!"

I roll my eyes and scoff. But I know he is right.

"No, really, you hate getting help. You hate it when someone is actually worried about you. You are going to the doctors!"

"Oh cut it out Grayson! I'm fine!"

"How do you know...what if it's something bad?!" He raises his voice

"Why are you being such an ass!" I furrow my eyebrows

"Because your being a brat! Can't you see that I'm just worried about you!!"

I just shake my head and walk into our room. I have no idea why but I've been annoyed at everything lately, like I'm mad at gray but I don't know why I am...

I close the bedroom door behind me and get under the covers. I huff and roll to my side so I'm facing the door.

I wait for him to walk through the door. And about 20 minutes later, he does.

He comes in and closes the door behind him and just huffs. He comes over to the bed and gets under the covers.

All of a sudden I just feel so sad. "I'm sorry" I say clenching my jaw trying not to cry.

He rolls over to face me. "I'm sorry too" he gets closer to me and wraps his arm around my waist.

I rest my forehead on his. "I'll make a doctor's appointment in the morning..." I lick my lips

"Thank you" he smirks slightly.

Soon we both fall asleep.


I wake up to an empty bed. It's Sunday so gray already left at 6. I sigh and get up. I go and grab my phone and call my doctor.

I make my appointment for 1:00, so I have an hour to spare. I text Grayson to tell him that I made my doctors appointment.

Us // [3rd book]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt