You-Changed My Mind-About-Us

121 3 3

Thursday, August 2nd

My 6 a.m. alarm goes off and I sit up. Noah and lily slowly start to wake up. I can't go into work today, I want to spend time with my kids.

I quickly call Ness and tell her that I'm not going into work since she is the principle. She okays it and I thank her.

We hang up and the three of us go back to sleep.

Then I wake up from them both jumping on my bed. My eyes shoot open and sit up quickly and start tickling them. They both fall and start laughing so hard.

"Woah, woah, woah" grams comes in "good morning, now relax" She says
We stop and laugh.

I check the time and it's 10.

"Oh shit" i quickly get out of bed.

"What?!" Grams says

"We have to go somewhere real quick" i say as I slip my moccasins on and put on a blavk sweatshirt.

"Where?" Noah says

"I need to drop off something" I say "everyone get their shoes on" I grab the yellow folder.

Lily and Noah run out of the run to put on the shoes.

I few minutes later, we all  meet in the living room and we all hurry to the car, including grams.

In about 30 minutes, we get to the publishing place.

"You guys wait in here"  I say. I run inside and give the women behind the desk the folder. She opens it and smiles.

"Do you mind if I steal a copy?" She says as she holds up one of the books

I laugh. "Sure"

She grabs a huge box and puts it on the counter. "You ordered 100 copies for yourself right?"

"Yeah, than more for other stores"

"Great! I literally read one page and I became obsessed...i want to be the first person to own one of these books" She smiles

"Well, I'm glad you like it"  I smile.

"Okay, well, your all set"

"Thanks" I take the box and bring it out to the car.

I put it in the truck and grab one book. I get in and my grams gives me a weird look. "Soooooo, what's happening now?"

I hand her a book. Her eyes grow wide. "You wrote a book!"

I nod and smile.

The twins clap in the back and I giggle.

"Nickels diner to celebrate?!" I say

"Hell yeah!" Grams says as she opens the book

"One stop first"

grams nods and i start the car. i start driving and soon  arrive to ethans house.

i pull into the driveway and put it in park. i get out and go into the trunk. i grabbed a book and ran up to the front door. i knock and ethan literally answers right away. he opens the door. "whats up? you okay?" he asks concerned.

"yeah" i say and go inside. he closes the door behind me.

"sooo" he says

i turn around and toss him the book. he catches it, flips it over and looks down.

"i wrote about us" he whispers. he looks up and smiles "you finished it, you really did it?!"

my smile somehow grows larger. "yeah" i say in dis belief 

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