Let's Try

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Thursday, August 24th

I wake up from the eroma of waffles, coffee and Turkey bacon. I sit up and look to my left, the bed is empty. I furrow my eyebrows and get up.

Gray can't be making breakfast, he is terrible at any form of cooking. I leave my room and immediately heat conversation.

I go into the kitchen and see that everyone is over. I smile as gray walks over to me with a huge grin.

"What's this?" I ask as he snakes his arms around my waist.

"Family breakfast... we haven't had one since your mom."

I peck his lips "I knew you couldn't be making breakfast"

We laugh.

"Vi!" Vic yells and everyone turns their heads. Every sunday we use to have a family breakfast with ethan, Ness, Nikki, gray, me, kev, Vic and my mom. We started that because after James passed we thought it would be a good idea to spend more time together as a family.

"Aren't you suppose to be in school" I laugh as I walk over to where he was sitting.

"Family is more important, and dad said I can not go" he says with a bug smile.

I simply just shake my head and giggle.

I go over to kev who is making the food and steal a piece of bacon.

"Always stealing food" Kevin laughs.

I walk away and go back into the living room with e, ness, nikki, gray and vic.

I sit on the arm of the couch next to Grayson since ethan and ness are taking up the whole vouch along with gray. Ethan, gray and ness are talking about how we should all go on vacation together after the wedding.

Gray puts his arm on my back, under my shirt and just rubs the small of my back.

"Where would we even go?" Gray asks

"I don't know, I was thinking disney." Ness says

"Oh my god. I haven't been to Disney in forever" I jump in

"We are 25 years old" Ethan laughs

"Yeah, no one is too old for Disney" gray laughs

"And also, it would be fun for Victor and Nikki" vanessa adds

"Okay, I'm down" ethan nods

"Okay, this is lit" I giggle

"Breakfast!" Kev yells from the kitchen.

We all get up and ness grabs Nikki who was playing with Victor on the floor.  Victor gets up and runs to the table.

I laugh.  We all sit down at the table and gray helps kev put all the food on the table. They sit down and we all dig in.

"Thank you kev" I say before I take a bite of my bacon

"Yes! Thank you!" Ethan basically shouts because he is excited about food.

Everyone else days thank you and then it gets quiet because we are all shoving our faces.

After breakfast, ness and I clean up the kitchen and the boys all go outside in the backyard and play tag football. Then Nikki is taking a nap on the couch.

"So, how is project baby going?"

I shrug as I scrub a dish in the sink. "Good. But I should be getting my period soon so..."

"Why is mother nature being such a bitch" she says as she starts drying the plates

"I'm the last person you should be asking" I scoff as I hand her another plate.

Us // [3rd book]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें