Changes and the past

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For the last three days, Nash had been playing with Sky. He usually didn't play with her at all. It was usually just Hayes or Cam. Cameron had noticed the random change. Something Cameron said must've changed his sudden mood. Wonder what he talked to him about? The thing was, he didn't insult me he just ignored me. It was weird. He usually smirked at me every time he seen me.

The sudden change had everyone in shock. Cam stayed by Hayes every chance he got. Sky and Nash would go outside and just pick at each other. He even started getting her dressed and putting her to bed. Wow, I know that I said he was rude and annoying but he actually made me proud. Even if he did hate me. Which I didn't know why he hated me so much. I was clueless in that department.

Cameron and Hayes went out for the day. Nash and Sky were at home but they were playing games and at one point they went for a swim. I had been cleaning the house all day. The thing about cleaning was, it kept my mind off of things. I didn't worry about anything. I liked being crazy and spontaneous but I also like being responsible. It paid to be grown up and being independent.

I decided to listen to music. I put my earphones in and started playing music. It was on a playlist and on shuffle. The first song that played was 'loyal' that was my song. I loaded the dishwasher and started it. Then I ventured to the laundry room, grabbed a hamper, then headed to the first room. Sky's room wasn't bad at all. I gathered her clothes then made my way to Hayes' room. His room was picked up on as well. In fact his clothes were on the bed.

I then made my way to Nash's room. Once I got inside I could see the dirty clothes but the bed had been made. I also noticed the trash was already put away. His dirty clothes were in the middle Of the floor, in a pile. He actually cleaned his room. I grabbed his clothes and started walking down the steps. Everyone had eaten and left me to clean alone without fixing breakfast.

Once I loaded the washer I grabbed the vacuum. My next song was 'Hold on' that was a great song. The first room I cleaned was Sky's. by the time I got done with we room the next song on my playlist played, it was 'Crickets' that song made me laugh. I cleaned up on his room and then decided to manually pick a song. I decided once I arrived in Nash's room, I wanted to listen to 'ride' and buddy it was number one on my playlist.

While cleaning his room I noticed myself dancing to the song. I was moving my hips. I started out slow then I began to pick up the pace. It surprised me really. I could tell you how much this song made me wanna move on someone. Why was I even thinking that? Somewhere in the middle if the song I finished cleaning his room and just took of dancing.

I moved to the beat with my hips. I imagined someone behind me holding me and moving with me. The thing was I didn't have to have anyone there but it would have been nice to have someone there. Near the end of the song I could hear someone walking into the room. I turned and noticed Nash walking towards me. I took my earphones out.

"I was just, I, um, excuse me," I said as I grabbed the vacuum and began walking out. He didn't say anything to me.

As I walked out I could hear Cameron and Hayes talking from Hayes' room. I didn't really care If they were back early or not. It was only ten in the morning. Why did they return? It didn't matter. It was so crazy. I just let Nash watch me dance. I didn't know he was watching but it didn't matter. In the line of everything that happened, he didn't even insult my dancing. But then again I was good.

I got downstairs and didn't see Sky anywhere. It surprised me. She usually followed me or Nash. So I began to throw the laundry in the dryer. I know it was late notice but I had just remembered the dishwasher. It had been on and I had forgot about it. So after throwing the clothes in the dryer I decided to place my earphones back in and unload the dishwasher. 'Can't hold us' sounded through the speakers. I thought this song was pretty cool.

I began unloading the dishwasher. They were dry and so I went ahead and put them up. I began dancing again and also I never thought of it, but I could sing and no one would ever know. Weird I had never even thought of that. I didn't sing that one. Instead I skipped the song to 'We remain' which was a favorite. I began singing it. While singing I remembered I stopped to begin with.

My sister had been in a wreck. She was injured pretty bad. They had to remove her right kidney. The accident left her speechless. She didn't talk for months. She and I use to sing together. But when I found out she lost her singing voice and that she was hurt because of it, I never sang again. She told me to keep going and not stop but I didn't want to do that, I wanted to help children like my sister.

A tear escaped my eyes and rolled down my cheek. The thought of my sister made me so mad and sad at the same time. I didn't know why it angered me. I had never been so angry at myself. I could have stopped that accident. I was the one driving. I told myself it was an accident. The driver hit me because the light turned green to fast.

"Amanda, are you okay," Cameron asked. I turned to him and nodded. I wiped my eyes and didn't think to stay quiet. I sniffled.

"Okay, if you need something let me know," he said walking away.

That was close. I was almost caught. I never cried in front of anyone. I was ashamed to. In fact I never cried in front of my family either. Sometimes I would sit outside and try to cope with all of it. And the reason it hurt for Nash to treat me so horrible is because of what happened. He didn't help me any. Always blaming me for stupid stuff when I really did make something tragic happen.

The worst part about hiding it was that no one knew and some people weren't very nice about it. If Nash found out, he'd use it against me.

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