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"These can't be."

"I thought the same thing when I first saw them," Daryl said as he took a seat beside me on the balcony.

"How did he get hold of these?" I asked, staring at the papers in disbelief.

The papers contained an inventory of everything, from what kind of weapons they were using to how many warriors they had. As of now, they had eighty soldiers, and no matter how long I stared at the documents, I still couldn't believe how this mystery person got hold of them.

"Look on this page. It shows when and where their next strike will be."

"I saw that earlier. They're getting close to where your parents are at," Daryl said looking at the paper.

"I saw. I'll make a trip before the strike to warn them of this," I said.

"How do we know this isn't some trap, though?"

"I won't lie and say that same thought hadn't crossed my mind either," he said.

"But why would they go through all of that trouble to get Oliver home and give us these?" he asked, gesturing towards the documents.

"Could be another ambush."

"Could be, but I don't think so," he said. Before I could reply, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," I said. The door opened as Michael walked in.

"You wanted to see me, ma'am?" he said, looking over at Daryl.

"Would you like for me to come back later?"

"You're fine. We were just wrapping up here," Daryl said.

"I'll check on Oliver for you on my way out."

"Thank you Daryl," I said as he walked out of the office, closing the door behind him.

"Please sit."

Michael walked over to one of the rocking chairs that lined the balcony and sat down.

"So I asked you to come here because I needed to talk to you."


"Did you look over these documents this morning?"

"I did."

"What did you make of them?"


"Odd how?" I asked.

"We've been after these hunters for years now, then all of a sudden these very important documents show up the day after Oliver comes back home," he said.

"I see," I said, considering his words, so it isn't just Daryl and I thinking that then.

"Did the Warriors agree to step up their rounds?"

"Yes, and I informed them that this man isn't to be harmed."

"Good. I know I already ask a lot of you and the pack, but I have one more request."

"Of course. What is it?" Michael asked.

"If you see Oliver, just please watch him for me."

"Of course."

"Thank you," I said.

"That's all that I needed to speak with you about it. You can leave now if you need to. I know how busy you are."

Michael stood up to leave, but I grabbed a hold of his arm, stopping him from leaving.

"By the way Michael."

"Yes?" he asked, giving me a questioning look.

"If you need anything, and I mean anything, please let me know."

"At the moment, I have everything I need, but if something comes up, I'll keep that offer in mind," he said, as he gave me a kind smile.

"Goodnight Alpha," I said smiling, causing him to shake his head at me.

"Goodnight, love," he said, chuckling as he left my office.

I remember when I first met Michael, it was before Oliver was born, even before I had met Daniel. My Mother and I had been hunting when we had come across a wolf trying to fight off four vampires.

My mother wanted to leave. She said it wasn't our fight to deal with, but I couldn't leave him there to be ruthlessly murdered. Something about him was calling out to me. I eventually convinced my mother to help him and between the three of us, we had managed to kill all four vampires.

After the fight was over, a little pup came running out from behind one of the bushes and ran up to Michael. We later found out that it was his son, Ezekiel. Michael had been badly injured in the fight. He had scratches and bite marks all over him.

After about an hour of sweet talking, we finally got him to trust us enough to come back to the castle with us so that our doctor could treat his wounds. My father wasn't too thrilled by the thought of us bringing a rogue wolf back home, so after his wounds were treated, my father drug him off somewhere to have a little chat with him.

It turned out that Michael's whole pack was brutally murdered by the hunters. His son and he were the only surviving members. My father took them in and since then he's been like a brother to me. It wasn't until I took over here at the Silver Moon castle that I asked him to create a new pack.

He was reluctant at first, and who could blame him, with what happened to his last pack, but we kept having rogue wolves coming up to us, asking for sanctuary. I wasn't familiar with how a wolf pack worked, and as much as he wanted to deny it, it was in his blood to run a pack.

He was an Alpha through and through. He was a dammed good one at that, too.

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