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A/N: I highly recommended watching Legend of Korra since my OC(original character) plays a part in the story. Also I have been going on a rampage and rewriting chapters,so I hope you enjoy it!
Another thing I also redesigned Nanuq and colored her as well,which I also hope you enjoy!

Korra: Age 4
Nanuq: Age 3

Ever since Nanuqs sister showed new bending abilities,she was amazed by it and hoped that she would gain her waterbending ability. One night,The Order of the white Lotus came to their home to discover that Korra was the avatar. It was a joyous occasion for the family,but for the Order,they saw she needed improvement for alot of things,mainly her bending. Besides all that,Korra was celebrated among the tribe for being the Avatar,and it was a huge celebration for everyone in the community. A huge banquet was served with lots of decedent food,music was playing,and there was a bit of drinking,it was a happy night for evryone. After the occasion came to an end,Nanuq became ill,she started showing signs of a fever and slept,hardly getting up from her bed in the room her and Korra shared. Both Tonroq and Senna sent for a healer to come and help Nanuq,healers came together to help,putting her into an icebath to cool her fever down,and heal her from inside the tub. The glowing of the water illuminated the room they were all in,Korra stayed out of the room for she was too young to witness what was happening. The healers did everything they could to help,and the fever went down a bit. The child was taken out of the tub and dried off and put to bed after. It has been a few days since the first healing and Nanuq was weak. She hardly ate and stayed in bed sleeping. Healing her daily to help at least give her some energy was part of the routine for a while.. She was cranky from everything that was happening and all she just wanted to do was sleep. She just wanted to feel better because of her sickness.Katara ended up coming not just to heal her but to also train both the girls in waterbending. Another day went by and The order of the White Lotus were busy building a compound where Korra would start her Avatar training. It seemed they had more important things to deal with at that point. As her parents were preparing dinner Nanuq awoke and crawled out of bed and went to the kitchen. Senna turned around to see a little girl who's hair was a mess and standing in the kitchen. It startled her that she dropped a bowl she finished washing on the floor. Tonroq came to see what happened and rushed over to kiss there daughter. Her fever was gone. The healers and the OWL came to see that she was better,until Nanuq sneezed and fire came out of the small girl. Eveyone looked at her in disbelief. She looked at them and was confused and scratched her head.

"Nanuq sweetie. You sneezed fire...."Senna said,still in disbelief.
"I sneezed fire?"
"Your a firbender!!!!" Said the young Korra.

She shot fire out of her hands and she was amazed at herself. She couldn't believe it! She could actually fire bend. Korra rushed over and hugged her sister and picked her up in the process. Both the girls squealed in excitement over the suprising news. The girls were asked to leave the room so the adults could talk.

"I don't understand how she's all of a sudden able to firebend. She was perfectly fine almost a week ago,somehow becomes ill and what felt like she was on the verge of death. She went through healing everyday,and now she's feeling better and can shoot fire out of her fingertips? " Senna said in disbelief.
"I don't understand it either,it's as if she has been blessed with two elements. I don't know how and even from healing her it is unbelievable that she knows both elements,both being completely opposite from eachother."
"Well then I guess it would be appropriate for her to come with us."

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