Toy Cars

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Yoongi shifted back and forth as he stood infront of Jimin's bedroom door.

He had never been this nervous.

As placed his knuckles against the door, memories of what he had seen yesterday came to mind.

He managed to catch a glimpse of Jimin running back to his room in the dark.

But what caught his attention most was the little pacifier that sat under the sofa last night.

He found it after the younger had done a runner.

He stared down at his other hand that held the small object, furrowing his eyebrows before letting his knuckles knock against the door.

"H-hey Jimin, I was planning on going out later if you want you can come, I'm making breakfast, so when your ready you can come and eat with me if you want?" He lingered there for a few minutes before walking out towards the kitchen.

He was determined to find out what was up with his best friend.

Jimin's POV :

Slowly but surely Jimin made his way into the kitchen, his grey, bird patterned pj bottoms hanging low around his hips as the hot air hit his bare chest.

He rubbed at his eyes as he took a vacant seat nearest to him at the kitchen table, not noticing the elders intense gaze.

"What were you up to last night?" Yoongi finally spoke, his hands resting against the counter top as he scanned over the blonde's puffy face.

"I watched some TV and then went to bed." It wasn't entirely false.

Yoongi just pouted his lips out and shook his head.

Bullshit but okay.

"Was that before or after I came home?" His arms came up across his chest as he raised a brow at the younger.

Jimin sighed.


"Okay." Yoongi trailed off, turning back around to put the cooked food onto a plate.

"If just think it's a little weird."

Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Yoongi-" he began.

"No, no need to explain yourself." His voice sounded almost too relaxed. One Jimin knew all to well when it came to Yoongi and his profession.

"If wasn't going to." Jimin deadpaned, leaning back in his chair like a grumpy teenage boy.

Yoongi gave him his breakfast before walking right up next to Jimin, the younger looking up at him with a slight irritated gaze.

"Now," He started, placing his hand under Jimin's chin to tilt it up. "After you eat, get dressed because we are going out." And with that he walked back towards his room.


"Do we need anything else?"


oongi turned to look at Jimin who was waiting for a reply.

"Oh, no I think that's everything." He mumbles.

As Jimin is about to turn around to walk away, Yoongi's hand finds it's way around his bicep, pulling him back gently.

"I need to ask you something Park." He finally speaks up.

Oh shit.

Yoongi only called him by his last name when he was angry, concerned or serious.

None of which seemed good.

Jimin, as best he could, analysed Yoongi's expression, trying to put together why he would be and of the three.

"W-what is it." He asked, his voice shaking slightly.

Yoongi didn't answer, instead, he pulled out a small green pacifier.

Oh fuck.

His eyes widened slightly at the sight of it.

"H-how did you-"

"I found it on the living room floor." He stated, moving slightly closer to Jimin.

Jimin didn't move.


"Mind explaining to me why this was in my apartment." Yoongi's voice dropped to a whisper. For some odd reason Jimin felt as if Yoongi already knew what was going on, but Jimin was going to try his best to play it off.

"I-I was minding a baby." He stated, grabbing the pacifier from Yoongi's grasp and stuffing it into his pocket.

Yoongi didn't look so convinced.

"A baby?"

"Yeah." Jimin said calmly. "My....cousins baby."

Yoongi cocked a brow at him.

"So let me get this straight." He moved closer to the shopping cart.

"You were minding your cousin's child" Jimin nodded.

"That I've never heard anything about." Jimin nodded again.

"And you expect me to believe you?" He folded his arms over his chest as the younger groaned in response.

"It's the truth!" It wasn't. "I must have packed it by a mistake."

"Then explain to me how it ended up in my living room?" Yonngi watched carefully as his friend looked lost for words. "Well?"

Jimin was caught out. He had no idea on what to say to explain why it was there.

"Can we drop this?" he asked finally giving up.

Yoongi's expression softened, was Jimin upset?

But as he was about to speak, Jimin moved right by him without another word.

"Shit" he cursed as he watched Jimin walk away with the the shopping cart.

He felt bad for talking to him the way he did, he knew it was only right to apologize.

But until he does.

He was going to give him a little space.


A shitty filler chapter but ah well.

I'm only getting to the good stuff.😆

I'm out

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I'm out.

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