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The next day, Soongi switched on the television at 7 o'clock in the morning, changing the channel from the kids channel to the news channel.

"Yesterday afternoon, new k-pop idol Ji Soongi and his manager, Joon, got into a pretty heated discussion over a small girl who was seen alone at the young-adult's concert all alone." The television showed where he was singing and reaching out to the girl, pulling her on the stage with his pale, slender hands.

"Ji Soongi stood on stage and wasn't very specific on the terms of giving the girl back. But, no one actually had proof that the girl was theirs. Soongi confronted his manager about looking after the girl until she finds a home, and when Joon said no, Soongi quit his job. One little girl over fame? What do you think about that?"

Soongi scoffed and turned the channel over, massaging his temples. He couldn't care less about what people thought.

"Soongi~!" He heard a squealing voice call out with little footsteps thudding.

He looked to his left and saw Hayley running toward him and immediately smiled as she jumped onto his lap.

They both smiled at eachother before Soongi tackled her onto the velvet sofa, tickling her sides as she laughed underneath him.

Eventually stopping to let the girl catch her breath and calm down, he got off of the sofa, holding his hands out to help her up.

As she grabbed them, he said, "Come on. We've got to go out today." And pulled her up.

As she stood, a smile on her face, she blurted. "Am I finally getting clothes?!"

Soongi faked a shocked look, "Excuse you! You only got here yesterday, you little minx!" He teasingly ruffled her hair before continuing, "Yes, we are getting you clothes. You also get to choose what's for dinner tonight." He winked at the girl, knowing she'd get excited about choosing what was for dinner.

"Can we have ramen? I've never had it before..." She asked, pouting.

Soongi smiled, "Of course we can. You're going to love it." He had a big, cheesy grin on his lips as he spoke.

Hours later, Soongi found himself walking through his front door with his arms covered in bags and Hayley asleep on his hip, gripping his neck.

Sighing, he put the paper and plastic bags on the hard-wood flooring and walked up his beige carpeted stairs, and opening a white door.

Inside, the furniture consisted of black, white, and wine red and the bed was a king size with black sheets and white plump pillows.

He walked in and over to the bed, throwing the covers back and placing Hayley's small frame on the white sheets. Her body sunk into the mattress and she made a noise of content in her sleep, head on the pillow.

He gently placed the duvet over her body and walked over to the black curtains and closing them, walking back over to the bed and giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Have a good sleep, hun." He said quietly, walking out and closing the door behind him.

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