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His head was lowered and his heart was heavy, veiny hands coming up to grip jet black hair. He shakily stood and pulled his jeans and underwear around his waist before walking over to the metal door and typing the pin he saw the woman use as she walked out.

The door swung open and he immediately began tiptoeing through the stone hallway, going down the way he saw the men turn off to.

He ran for hours, taking many twists and turns before he heard a sound of a slap and a little voice whispering.

"Dad... Please help me."

His dull eyes sparkled hearing her voice and hearing she hasn't been shot.

He tried turning the door knob but it wouldn't open, so he got all of his remaining strength and kicked the door down, making the two men inside jump and let go of Hayley.

Hayley, seeing her father with the door off it's hinges, jumped up and sprinted out of the door with Soongi following suite. Luckily, they both had damage done to them everywhere but their legs.

Hayley's little legs couldn't keep up with her speed and she tumbled to the ground, her palms drew blood and she yelled out.

Soongi skidded to a stop and looked behind them, only to see the two men running after them and cutting it in close.

He ran over to Hayley and scooped her up in his arms bridal style before taking off once again, his lungs straining for air intake and his skin stretching against his ribs with every running step.

He saw the doors of the building not too far ahead and realised they were bolted. Seeing the only way out was the glass of the door, he ran full force towards it before diving forward and turning so his back hit the glass and pulling Hayley closer to his chest to protect her from the glass shards dancing around them.

He landed on his back with a grunt before stumbling to his feet the best he could without his hands. The men inside were still a little ways down the hallway because of Soongi's power sprint so he immediately took the head start while he could, running a little ways down the pathway underneath the street lights and soon to the alleyway next to a closed grocery store.

Hayley sobbed in his arms as the pain in her body became to much for her fragile self to manage, Soongi immediately becoming alerted and running back to his house when he realised he had lost them.

He frantically kicked the door, hearing confused murmurs and depressed sobs.

The door opened slightly to reveal a puffy-faced Yoongi, his tear shaped eyes widening when he saw a broken Soongi there with a beaten Hayley.

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