Part banana milk

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The doctor told I could finally leave the hospital because I was fine overall.

Jungkook and Vector left, I don't know where the hell they went after buying banana milk, they never came back.

It was about two days since I left the hospital. The day I left, I went home and found my whole house trashed and a few things stolen, including my fucking TV.

I should have locked my door but I guess that's Jungkook's fault for shoving tulips at my face. For fuck sake why am I even dating him.

But I can't change my feelings for ultimate bias.

I looked on twitter, people were asking about Jin and Taehyung and how they haven't been updating.

It's been about 2 years since Jungkook has posted on twitter, so people didn't ask where he was since they just believe he's alive somehow.

Who's gonna tell em about Jin? And I don't know about Taehyung, people are saying he's dead but I don't know the fucking truth.

I was missing Jungkook so I decided to visit his house. But then I realized we fought the other day.. well fuck.

I went to the local shop and bought six packs on banana milk. He loves banana milk, he would be sure to forgive me for shouting at him!

I knocked at the door waiting for someone to open the door but no one did.

I then rang the bell waiting again.


"Oh... you..." Jungshook replied as he saw me.

"I apologize about the other day and.. well.. I knew how much you love banana milk so I got you these" I said while waving it in front of him.

He looked at them and licked his lips.

"Vector already bought me banana milk, you're too late, you gotta do better than that dumbfuck" he replied.

Jungkook slammed the door shut and left me standing there.. trying to replay what just happened.

Suddenly, my heart jumped as the door quickly opened and a hand snatched the pack of banana milk that was in my hand at the speed of light.

"What the f-" I said in surprise.


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