Part glitter

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"Please Jungkook, I beg of you.. IM SORRY!" I cried.

I started wail out loud.. like really loud. For a long damn time, I knew he was getting annoyed from it but that was my plan.

"OH FOR FUCK SAKE FINE!" He unlocks the door and stands in front of me.

"Baby~" he walks closer to me and gazes in my eyes with a worrier look.

"Why are you crying? I hate to see you like this.." He softly said to me as he gently cupped my hands.

I sniffed and pouted to look like I'm really upset.

"I.. I'm fine Jungkook.. r-really" I begin the cry again.

"No seriously (Y/N) you're looking ugly as fuck with all that mascara and messy lipstick on your face, come in and get your face cleaned up before I break up with you hoe" He said to me.

When I walked into his bathroom, it smelled like baby powder. The walls were light blue and there were big stickers of rubber ducks everywhere.

His tap was in shape of a rubber duck too and the water came out of its mouth.

I looked at the soap that was next to it.

"The fuck.." I said as I read it.

"Soap with pink glitter to make your child's hand shimmer. Banana scented. Used to make your child's hand soft and clean. Age: 2-4"

After I cleaned myself up, my whole face had little bits of glitter on it. "Great now it looks like a unicorn threw up on me!" I looked around for maybe shampoo since it might remove it.

I saw one next to the bathtub and picked it up.

"WHAT THE FUCK??" I said as I looked at the shampoo.

"Manly~ After spending a long night with your partner you can get dirty, this shampoo will clean you off and make you smell so good your girlfriend can't resist you"

The two moods of Jeon Jeongguk.


Love at first plastic surgery Where stories live. Discover now