Chapter 1 - The beginning

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'I'm not gay, Danny!' I exclaimed for what seemed like the billionth time today.

I sat on my bed, facing my gay best friend, Danny, who was sitting on the carpeted floor. Jason, my other best friend, snickered as he sat on my white wheely chair.

'Whatever you say, Alex, but my gay-dar is going crazy... And it's not because of Jason.' Danny said and we both turned to face Jason, whose face fell.

'I'm not gay either, Danny!' He exclaimed.

'Honey, please.' Danny mocked.

'Seriously dude, not just because you're gay that everyone else is as well.' Jason said again.

We had this conversation at least once a day. We had been best friends ever since high school started. In our second year, Danny came out. We suspected he was gay already. I still remember his face.

'Guys, I-... I have something to tell you' Danny said uncertain, it was the first time in my life I had seen Danny unsure of himself.

'Shoot' I said as both me and Jason stared at him with curiosity.

'I-I'm... I'm...' He stuttered and took a deep breath, looking up at us. 'I'm gay' He said finally.

I looked at Jason, who looked back at me. He smirked. 'You owe me 20 bucks' Jason said and I groaned.

'Why couldn't you be bi, Danny?' I asked, pulling a 20 dollar bill out of my wallet and handing it to Jason defeated.

'Wait, wait. You knew?!' He asked in disbelief, I shrugged. 'We weren't sure but we had this bet going for months now.'

Danny's fist clenched so did his jaw, but then he relaxed. 'Assholes' He said and threw himself at us.

It had been hard for Danny at first. Everyone accepted it mostly, but there were always assholes who wanted to beat him up, so me and Jason beat the shit out of them. We were very protective of Danny, Jason more than me even.

'I'm not saying everyone is, but I'm pretty sure you are, Jason,' Danny said and Jason rolled his eyes. 'And you too, Alexander, I've seen the way you look at Blake.' He added and I sighed in frustration.

'Whatever, Danny, whatever.'

'He might be gay, but I am the most manly guy you'll ever meet!' Jason said, still sort of pissed, hitting his chest with his fist in a way that reminded me of an angry gorilla.

Danny slowly started crawling his way towards Jason. 'Just because you're manly doesn't mean you're not gay.' Danny said getting up, but sitting down again in Jason's lap, he put Jason's arms around him and his arms went around Jason's neck. 'Besides, I love a manly man.' Danny added in his ear. Jason stiffened and gulped.

'Ew, get a room, guys!' I teased.

'Shut up, Alex!' Jason growled, his face blushing red as Danny laughed.

'Dude, you are so gay, just admit it already.' I teased again and laughed. Jason threw a pillow at me and I caught it before it hit me.

'Only if you admit you have the hots for Blake.' Jason said and grinned mischievously. Jason put his arms around Danny again and Danny leaned back as Jason hid his face in the crook of Danny's neck.

I swear these two have liked each other for ages now, they're just too stubborn to admit it. Danny says he's just teasing Jason, while Jason claims he's straight. I've seen them like this many times before; Jason hugging Danny while he sits on his lap, Danny and Jason cuddling on the couch, etc. They act like a couple every time they're together. I just get so damn mad at them for not admitting they like each other and just be together already. It wasn't like this before, though, it was different about a month ago. I'll just rewind so you can understand.

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