December 22nd 5:54PM

9 1 0

"Okay, lovebirds, questionnaire time!" William sang from the backseat, setting his large coffee into a cup holder. Morgan rolled her eyes, but continued to watch the expression on Henry's face. He swallowed hard and gripped the steering wheel tighter, eyes glued to the road. Neon signs and the streetlights reflected in his eyes.

"Hey, relax, it'll be fine," Morgan said softly, aiming her words directly at Henry. He stole a look at her and briefly flashed a soft smile before returning his gaze to the busy road ahead of them. William let out a soft squeal from the backseat, but ushered out a rapid apology when Morgan turned to glare at him.

"Is he coming too? I might have to back out if he is," She questioned, looking at Henry in the driver's seat. This got him to actually smile, his eyes lighting up as he shook his head.

"He's getting dropped off. His family goes to Texas every year," Henry replied. He turned to look at Morgan and she smiled back at him. His fingers loosened on the wheel, the tips flexing to stretch out the knuckles that were white with pressure.

"Yeah, heard the airports are a little clogged. Not gonna be fun to get through those," William huffed. Morgan nodded her head and looked down at her lap, her smile falling.

"Every flight headed north is cancelled. I was trying to get home, but because of the storm hovering over New England, all the flights there are cancelled," Morgan said. She looked back up just in time to notice Henry's gaze flicking away from her.

"New England, huh? Which part?" William asked, leaning forward against the back of the seat. Morgan could feel his breath softly on her ear. She leaned forward herself, creating space between her and William, as well as giving herself room to turn and face him.

"Northern Maine," she replied as she picked up her cup of coffee. She took a sip, the smell of peppermint wafting out into the car.

"Is that peppermint?" Henry asked, stealing a quick glance her way. Morgan nodded and held out the cup, offering it to him to try. "Does it have any nut products?" When she shook her head, he reached out, his hands brushing against Morgan's as his fingers wrapped around the white cup. Carefully, he took a sip and handed it back.

"Like it?" She asked, tucking the cup into her chest. Henry nodded, giving her a soft smile.

"It's really good," he replied.

"It's my favorite."

"Okay! Let's get back to the questions!" William exclaimed, causing Morgan to jump in her seat. He pulled out his white iPhone and slid to unlock his screen. The light lit up the backseat.

"Here we go," Henry mumbled, glancing out the driver's window as he brought the car to a slow stop at the red light.

"Favorite football team?" William questioned, leaning back forwards, his hand hovering between Henry and Morgan. Henry shook his head and let out a sigh.

"Don't have one," Henry said, his voice monotone. The light turned green and he accelerated the car once again. Morgan flicked her eyes between the two guys before answering.

"Patriots," she replied softly. William scoffed and recoiled into the backseat.

"How in the world can you like them? What - oh. New England. Right," he stated. Henry narrowed his eyes and looked over his shoulder at his friend.

"What are you saying William?" Henry asked. "What do you mean New England?"

"If you're from New England and don't actually watch sports, like me, your favorite teams are automatically the Patriots or the Red Sox. It's a New England thing." Morgan cut in before William had a chance to respond.

"You had to pick a girl that is from New England, what even man?" William questioned. He crossed his arms over his chest and let out an exasperated sigh. Henry's face contorted in confusion.

"This was your idea!" Henry exclaimed, throwing his right hand up in the air. He let out a heavy breath and shook his head. Morgan let out a laugh beside him.

"I knew you were too smart to come up with this," Morgan stated. "It had to have been him." Henry turned and gave Morgan a grin as William let out a shriek in the backseat.

"I'm what?" He exclaimed, sending Henry and Morgan into laughter. "Can we get rid of her?"

"Oh no, we're sticking to this now," Henry replied and stole a look over his shoulder and into the backseat. William crossed his arms over his chest and let out a huff. A smirk was plastered on his face. Henry flicked on his blinker and turned into a driveway.

"Thanks for the ride, man. Morgan, good luck," William said, patting Morgan's shoulder. He grabbed his cup of coffee and took a pastry from the sampler box before getting out of the car. William trotted up the steps and disappeared into the house as Henry backed out of the drive. 

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