December 24th 6:01PM

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The door to the mudroom opened with a burst of wind and a collection of laughter. Henry followed Morgan through the door and helped her shrug off her coat. She kicked off her boots and set them up on the rack.

"How was your day?" Katie asked appearing in the archway to the dining room. She had a carton of ice cream in one hand, a spoon in the other.

"It was great," Morgan smiled and stepped out of Henry's way. Something caught her eye in the living room and she stepped in through the archway.

"Morgan," Henry began.

"Anita is out for a while. Said something about drinks with someone," Katie stated and disappeared back into the kitchen. Henry followed Morgan and watched as she approached the grand piano in the corner. She slid onto the bench and opened it up, touching her finger to a single key. Henry stood by the side, watching as she picked out a couple of keys, playing each one. Her hands shifted and she played a few chords, her face contorted and she tapped a few more keys.

"Got it," she breathed.

"Got what?" Henry asked as Morgan started playing a few notes in a melodic rhythm. He tipped his head as she added in a few chords here and there and the song became familiar. "Carol of the Bells?"

"Yes," she replied as she added a few more chords, the song strengthening as she played the keys harder and swiftly. Henry's jaw gaped as her fingers expertly danced across the keys.

"What the heck?" Katie exclaimed, racing into the room. She slid to a stop next to Henry and watched Morgan's hands as they finished up the song. Morgan dropped her hands and looked up at the two siblings, both staring down in awe at her.

"Can you play other Christmas songs?" Katie asked.

"Yeah, I know a few from memory," Morgan replied. She turned back to the piano and began playing a cheerful "Jingle Bells." Once again, Henry and Katie watched as Morgan played. She switched into another song.

"Who is playing that? Oh my god, I love it!" Allison cried as she raced around the corner. She stood on Morgan's other side, watching the younger girl play.

"Didn't realize I'd have such an audience," Morgan laughed, changing to "Mary Did You Know?"

"I didn't realize you knew how to play, I would have brought you in here days ago!" Katie exclaimed.

"Yeah, I was the fun kid for the teachers in school. Give me anything with art or music and I could ace it in my sleep. Math, science, history, forget it. I needed a tutor for years just to scrape by," Morgan laughed as she played.

"I wish I could play even half as good as you are right now, this is incredible," Allison breathed. Morgan shook her head with a smile. She broke out into "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" and the mood completely shifted. She could feel, without even looking at the three siblings that their smiles had fallen and the song was bringing them strong emotions. Morgan bit her lip and powered through the song, dedicated to finishing what she had started.

"Do you guys want me to play anything specific?" Morgan asked as she finished the song.

"Well, I know it's not Christmas, but do you know perfect?" Allison questioned, her voice cracking as she spoke.

"Ed Sheeran?" Morgan asked.

"Yeah, that one," Allison replied. Morgan began to play as Katie reached out and gave Allison a hug. Morgan glanced up and noticed Henry staring down at his feet, his hand clenched on the side of the piano. Morgan took a breath and turned back to the song.

The door slammed open and everyone froze. A shrill scream came from the doorway and the four young adults cowered, awaiting the yelling to start.  

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