December 23rd 9:03 PM

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"What?" Henry asked, staring Katie down. She was holding a long pole up above his head.

"You're under it, now kiss your girlfriend! Or is it you don't want to and don't want to admit it?" Maddie had convinced Katie to try and catch Anita and Cameron under mistletoe when they came home. At first, Katie had wanted nothing to do with the plan, but when Maddie said it was "because if Mom makes Dad happy, shouldn't she kiss him once in awhile so he will smile?" Since Maddie's concern was for Cameron more than her own mother, Katie agreed to help. They rigged up a long pole to hold out over the door between the mudroom and the foyer, expecting to catch Anita and Cameron, instead, Henry and Morgan walked into their trap. Henry, caught off guard, began to question Katie's intentions.

"Oh for the love of," Henry mumbled and turned to Morgan. A grin was plastered across her face as she watched his reaction. He gently brushed her hair out of her face and leaned down to kiss her. He did not get the chance to, as Katie changed her mind.

"Oh, gross!" Katie yelped, grabbing Henry's arm and pulling him away from Morgan. The two young adults broke out laughing at her reaction. Morgan headed for the basement stairs as henry made his way to the stairs leading to the second floor.

"I'll be down in ten," he said, still laughing.

"Ten! Ten? What am I to do without you for a whole ten minutes?" Morgan asked, pretending to swoon over the railing. Katie made a gagging noise, which in turn set Maddie off into a fit of laughter.

"Milady, don't fret! I'll send letters!" Henry joined in, reaching down over the railing. Morgan stepped down a few stairs and reached a hand up towards him, stopping a few inches away from meeting his fingertips.

"They won't be enough, I need you!" She pretended to cry as she took another step downwards. She broke out into laughter, unable to keep up the charade any longer.

"You two are disgusting," Katie mumbled and disappeared into the kitchen.

"I'll be down shortly," Henry said with a laugh, leaping up the rest of the stairs. Morgan stood in her spot a few more moments with a smile. She shook her head and made her way to down to the basement.

Morgan was curled up on one end of the couch, a white blanket wrapped around the lower half of her body as she sat cross legged, waiting for Henry. She flipped through the channels on the television, one hand playing with her braided golden hair. Footsteps echoed on the stairs and it was only seconds before Henry appeared in the room.

"Okay, I have got popcorn," he said, handing a bowl of popcorn down to Morgan.

"Popcorn!" She said with an overdose of enthusiasm. She set the bowl down onto the coffee table and leaned back, ready to take the next item.

"From Gram herself, Christmas cookies, that are decorated," He handed another bowl down to Morgan.

"Decorated cookies!" Morgan exclaimed. Henry let out a laugh and shook his head.

"M&Ms and Skittles in candy cane containers," he said passing down the large plastic candy canes.

"M&Ms! Skittles! Candy Canes!"

"Are you just going to repeat everything I say with too much enthusiasm?" Henry asked with a laugh. Morgan tipped her head back to look up at him. She smirked and shook her head.

"Just anything that is food," she replied. Henry grinned and passed her one more bowl.

"What's in here?" She asked, prying off the lid. The bowl was completely empty. She turned and looked back up at Henry, her mouth in a frown of disbelief.

"Got ya," Henry laughed, winking an eye. He walked around the side of the couch and sat down next to Morgan. "Now please tell me you like root beer because otherwise I may have to kick you out," he said, holding up a large bottle of root beer.

"Don't worry, I love it," Morgan replied, unfolding the blanket from around her body and throwing part of it over onto Henry. He grabbed the corner and tugged it closer around him as he set the bottle of soda onto the coffee table.

"What's on?" He asked, grabbing a handful of popcorn. Morgan began flipping through the channels, explaining each movie as best as she could. They finally found one that was just beginning and set the remote down.

"Oh no, don't do it," Morgan said to the television and covered her eyes with her hands. Henry laughed at her reaction, but when she toppled over against him, he froze. She let her head rest on his shoulder as she moved her hands away from her face. He bit his lip before resting his arm on the couch behind her and letting himself relax.

"How can they, oh I'm feeling embarrassed for them," Morgan said, a shiver running through her body. She adjusted her position, curling up tighter against Henry.

"You cold?" He asked as her head tucked in against his neck.

"A little," Morgan replied as she pulled the blanket in tighter around the two of them. Henry let out a sigh and let his head fall against the top of Morgan's. Throughout the rest of the movie, he had wrapped both arms around her, pulling her closer in.

"Oh god, sorry," Allison cursed from the doorway. Henry and Morgan turned to look at the older woman.

"What's going on?" Henry asked.

"I was just seeing if Dad was down in the study, I didn't mean to barge in on you guys. I have to sleep in kiddos room tonight and I was going to crash in the study if he wasn't down here," Allison replied.

"Why do you have to be in Maddie's room?" Henry questioned, his head tilting to the side.

"Anita and Dad came home to the trap and it didn't go so well. Anita went into a rage and pushed Maddie down, said she was stupid and stuff," Allison stated. Henry jumped off the couch, knocking the blanket to the floor.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"In mine and Katie's room," Allison said before stepping out of the doorway. Henry looked down at Morgan and opened his mouth to say something, but she beat him to it.

"Go on. Go see her. I'm gonna get some sleep," Morgan said with a smile. Henry nodded his head and walked to the door.

"Uh, goodnight."

"Night, Henry."

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