December 24th 2:35PM

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"So how did you meet William?" Morgan asked before taking a sip of her hot chocolate. They were walking side by side in Central Park.

"I actually met him at the gym," Henry replied. Morgan let out a snort. "What's so funny?"

"I just, I could never picture you in a gym," Morgan stated through a laugh. "I'm sorry, it's not that funny." Henry cracked a smile and shook his head. He motioned to a wooden bench and the two sat down.

"Yeah, it is the last place you would be the least likely to find me," he began, but let his words trail off. His forefinger fiddled with the cap on the styrofoam cup in his hand.

"But?" Morgan questioned, turning her body to face Henry better.

"I was picked on for years because I was so scrawny, and it was horrible. When I got to college I thought I'd go and I went once and almost gave up," Henry began. He paused and took a sip of his drink, Morgan keeping her eyes locked upon him.

"William stopped me at the door and started asking me all kinds of questions. The next time I went, he came with me and helped me out. We've been friends ever since," Henry added. Morgan took a sip of her drink and looked around, watching as a man with a small child walked by. The little girl waved a mittened hand and grinned. Morgan smiled back and wagged her fingers at the girl.

"And do you go to the gym often anymore?" Morgan asked, turning back to look at Henry. He snorted and shook his head.

"Oh god no, only to pick up William when he's been there for four hours," he stated with a laugh. Morgan chuckled and took another sip of her drink. "What about your friend Alex there?"

"Alex, I met in the senior class when I was put in on mistake. We were assigned to pair up and have to work on a final picture together. No one in the class wanted to work with me because I was the 'dumb freshman' but Alex came over and complemented my art and asked if we wanted to work together," Morgan explained.

"And then it's history from there," Henry added with a sharp nod of his head. Morgan laughed.

"Yeah, we work at the studio together. Alex owns it, but we share the work on the art. It's been great to be able to work together," Morgan said and took a sip of her drink. The two sat in silence, watching other people bustling around. Morgan leaned back in the seat, her arm pressed up against his.

"Besides the whole Anita thing, what do you think of the holiday?" Morgan questioned, turning her head to look at Henry. He looked down at his cup and let a small smile tug at the edges of his lips.

"Christmas has always been one of the best times of the year. It was one of Mom's absolute favorites, she would go all out every year and we would do all kinds of things. One year we actually went out with some of the neighbors and went carolling around the neighborhood. It's always just been a wonderful time of year. It still is, just, not so much at home when Anita is around," Henry responded. He turned and looked at Morgan, a smile growing on his face.


"I have an idea. Come on," he said as he stood up and grabbed Morgan's hand, pulling her along with him.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see," Henry replied. 

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