December 23rd 6:42AM

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Morgan padded up the stairs. The sun was breaking over the horizon, casting a faint glow throughout the house. There was a light coming from the kitchen, so Morgan peeked around the archway and peered into the dining room. She could see Katie standing at the island, eating something out of a carton. Morgan walked into the room and Katie stiffened. As Morgan approached, Katie relaxed.

"Oh gosh, it's just you," she breathed and jabbed a spoon into the carton.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Morgan responded. "Is that ice cream?" Katie nodded her head as she scooped a spoonful into her mouth. She reached into a drawer and pulled out another spoon.

"Want some?" Morgan cracked a smiled and took the spoon from Katie. She dug into the chocolate ice cream and took a bite.

"Ice cream for breakfast?" Morgan asked, going in for a second scoop.

"Anita is determined that breakfast is only these disgusting protein shakes, but she never comes down before 7:30, so I take a few minutes to enjoy something like this," Katie motioned to the carton of ice cream, "before she shows up."

"Clever," Morgan said. There were footsteps on the stairs. The two girls froze, watching as Henry turned the corner. He let out a yawn and shook his head.

"Ice cream, again?"

"It's better than those protein shakes," Katie responded. Henry smiled and opened the fridge, taking out a jug of juice and setting it on the counter.

"That's true," he said, taking a glass out of the cupboard. Carefully, he poured the juice into the glass.

"Gram is coming today," Katie stated, looking over her shoulder at Henry.

"I thought she was coming tomorrow?" He took a sip from his glass, eyes glued to his sister.

"I guess she decided to come early, relieve us from hell for an extra day," Katie said. She shrugged her shoulders and took another bite of ice cream. "I can't wait for her to go after Anita like she does every year."

"Go after?" Morgan asked, her head tilting to the side.

"Like you did last night, just a lot more salty," Katie replied. There was another set of steps coming down the staircase.

"I know, but I can't believe that she would mess up all of my plans to come here," Anita's voice rang through the house, much too early for seven thirty. Katie's eyes widened and she slammed the cover onto the ice cream carton. Morgan grabbed the spoon from Katie and threw the two of them into the dishwasher. Anita walked around the corner just as Katie closed the freezer door.

"I gotta go," Anita snapped into the phone. She glared at the three young adults and shook her head.

"What?" Katie asked, leaning against the counter. She looked Anita directly in the eye and shrugged.

"Move," Anita ordered. Katie stepped towards Henry, her arm slightly against his. They glanced at each other briefly and shook their heads. Anita opened the fridge and took out a protein shake. She turned and tossed it to Morgan. Morgan caught the drink and looked it over, reading all of the labels on the bottle. "It's good for you, just drink it." Anita picked out one for herself before closing the refrigerator door and walking away. Her footsteps echoed as she made her way down the stairs to the basement.

"Don't drink it," Katie said and snatched the bottle from Morgan. As the teen walked away, she threw the bottle in the trash. Morgan looked up at Henry as he poured another glass of juice. His gaze moved from the glass to her and he let out a laugh.

"It only gets worse," he stated. Morgan laughed and nodded her head.

"You're telling me. The towels you left, were gone."

"Are you kidding me? Oh my God," Henry groaned. He let his forehead fall into an open palm and let out a heavy sigh. "She has a manicure appointment at nine, you can come shower upstairs."

"Alright," Morgan replied. "How do you survive breakfast with just those shakes?"

"I don't, I usually leave," Henry responded with a laugh. Morgan rested her forearms on the counter and laughed as well. The front door slammed open and a woman let out a sing song "Hello!"

"Your Gram?" Morgan questioned. Henry nodded his head. She stood back up and watched as a silver-haired woman walked around the corner carrying extra large bags.

"Oh Henry! How great to see you!" The woman set the bags on the floor and walked through the dining room to approach Henry. Morgan pressed herself against the fridge as Henry slipped past her and went to hug Gram. The older woman grinned up at Henry as the two embraced.

"Hey Gram," he spoke softly.

"You're looking-" Gram stopped as she noticed the girl standing off to the side. Morgan lifted a hand in a small wave. "Henry, who is this?"

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