December 24th 6:44 AM

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Morgan awoke to the smell of something baked. Her mouth watered as she stood up off of the couch and made her way up the stairs. She rubbed her eyes as she turned the corner. Allison and Henry were sitting by the island as their Gram set a large pan onto the counter. They all looked at Morgan as she walked closer.

"That smells really good," she said, trying her hardest not to mumble in her tired state. She noticed Allison's gaze flick between her and Henry with a contorted face. Gram seemed to notice this look and began coughing. Allison averted her gaze over to the older woman.

"Are you okay?" Allison asked.

"Just have a touch of something," Gram coughed, eyeing both Henry and Morgan as she stressed the word touch. Henry reached out his hand towards Morgan, motioning for her to move closer. She grabbed his hand with her own and let him pull her close. Allison watched as Henry wrapped his arms around Morgan and she draped over his body, her head resting on top of his. Both of their eyes fluttered and threatened to close.

"Oh gross," Katie groaned, walking into the kitchen. Allison smiled and shook her head.

"Just wait Katie, that'll be you one day," Allison stated. Katie made a gagging noise and headed to the fridge. Gram laughed and shook her head. She pulled a knife out of the drawer and began pulling out the muffins from the pan, one by one.

"You two look like you're going to fall over," Allison said. Morgan was using Henry to support her, they had their arms locked around each other. His eyes were closed and his head was buried into her neck.

"We might," Henry mumbled. Gram and Allison both laughed.

"You're up early," Katie snarled, alerting everyone of Anita's presence in the room. The woman walked over to the rest of the family and clucked her tongue to get everyone's attention. Morgan shifted her head upon Henry's so she could see better, but refused to let him go. He lifted his head out of her green shirt and rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Yeah, I know," Anita snapped. She opened the fridge and pulled out a protein shake.

"Not going to have a cranberry muffin?" Gram asked. Anita scoffed and walked away.

"More for us," Katie responded and reached across the counter to grab one. Gram smiled and rubbed Katie on the back.

"You two gonna let go for a minute to get something to eat?" Gram questioned Morgan and Henry. Morgan was about to let go, but when Henry tightened his grip, she willingly leaned back against him.

"No," he mumbled, burying his head back into her neck. Morgan smiled and pulled him closer.

"Stay up late?" Allison questioned.

"Maddie ended up going with Henry into his room to sleep. I can only imagine she was up half the night," Katie said, her voice cold. She tore into a muffin and let out a growl into it. Gram looked at Allison with a questioning glance.

"Anita," was all that Allison responded with.

"She was," Henry mumbled.

"I'll do something with her today, that poor child," Gram stated.

"You're the best grandmother for that, you know," Allison said, grabbing a muffin on her own. "She's not even related to you and you take care of her."

"Huh?" Morgan questioned. Wouldn't Gram be Maddie's grandmother too?

"Gram is our mother's mom, she has no direct relation to Maddie," Katie explained.

"Well I do, because she is your sister and takes after the three of you and your father more than that witch," Gram stated with a bob of her head.

"I'll say," Morgan snorted. Gram handed her a muffin, so she took it, letting some of her grip on Henry go.

"You two going to take a nap today?" Gram asked.

"No," Henry replied, lifting his head and pulling partially away from Morgan, keeping a hand on her waist. "We're gonna go out."

"We're going out?" Morgan questioned, looking down at Henry. He nodded sleepily, his hair falling into his face. He stood up, once again towering over her.

"Yeah, I have a few places I want to take you," he said, reaching over to grab a muffin of his own.

"God, I need a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend, I'm not picky. I just need love," Allison moaned and let her head drop down to the counter. Katie groaned and rolled her eyes.

"You all are disgusting."

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