December 22nd 6:39PM

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"Anita is dead set on Henry marrying her best friend's daughter, Amber. That girl is a bitch, too," Katie explained, munching on a pastry. Morgan picked at one of her own, watching Henry's reaction. He set his own back down onto the counter and leaned against it. Katie noticed this action as well and reached out and grabbed his arm.

"She can't actually make you, you know that right?" Katie asked, trying to reassure her brother.

"I know," Henry spoke softly. The door slammed shut, catching the attention of the three at the counter.

"I told them that, but do they listen to me? Absolutely not! Just like always! No, I went home for the holidays. Yeah, I actually like my siblings. Are you kidding? If they weren't here I would not be either," a woman's voice spoke.

"Allison?" Morgan guessed. Katie and Henry both nodded. The tall woman stepped out into the doorway, a phone held up to her ear. Her auburn hair hung in curls around her face, hanging down to the middle of her back. Katie took another pastry from the box and walked around the counter, heading over towards Allison.

"I know! How can anyone be that -" Allison stopped, her eyes glued to Morgan standing in the kitchen, "I'll call you back later, I gotta go." She hung up the phone and looked at Katie who was walking by.

"Henry's girlfriend," Katie stated, disappearing around the corner. Her footsteps could be heard as she made her way up the stairs.

"Girlfriend?" Allison shrieked. Morgan and Henry winced from the sound.

"Whoa, watch the ears," Morgan said. Allison strode over to the two and put her hands around Morgan's face. "Again?" Morgan mumbled.

"Anita get to her?" Allison asked, looking over Morgan's golden hair to Henry. He nodded and let out a sigh. "So she is real. Huh. Never thought I would see the day Henry got a girlfriend. How'd you like the bitch?" Allison questioned, dropping her hands to her sides.

"Just another bitch, dealt with plenty before," Morgan replied. Allison smiled and opened up the box of pastries.

"Good, just be prepared. This one is unlike any other. Thanks for bringing this stuff home, I need to go to the Wayward Wanderer more often. Such good food. So glad I came home for this," Allison mumbled, stuffing a pastry in her mouth. She turned away from the kitchen and walked back towards the door, picking up her own bags just as the door slammed open again.

"Allison!" A small voice squeaked out. Allison dropped her bags and opened her arms as a young girl with blonde hair bounced over.

"Hey Maddie!" Allison cooed as she wrapped the younger girl in a hug. "Hey Dad," she said to a figure still in the mudroom. Morgan looked up at Henry as he bowed his head.

"Allison! I didn't think that you were going to be coming for the holidays!" He let out a heavy laugh. She smiled and shook her head, letting go of Maddie. The child took off up the stairs, letting out a jingly laugh.

"Had to be here for the shit show," Allison stated picking up her bags again. "I'm gonna bring this stuff upstairs. You've got a surprise in the kitchen." She turned and gave Henry and Morgan a nod before taking off up the stairs.

"Cameron! We need to talk!" Anita's shrill voice screeched from downstairs. The woman strode up the stairs and straight into the mudroom.

"Yes?" Cameron questioned. Henry let out a shuddery breath and shook his head. Morgan reached out and touched her fingertips to his forearm. He looked down at her fingers and let out a soft smile.

"That boy-," Morgan mouthed the words to herself and shook her head. Who called their son that boy? "-of yours has brought home a girlfriend."

"Henry?" Cameron's deep voice questioned.

"Yes!" Anita snapped.

"Henry has a girlfriend?" Cameron questioned again.

"That is what I said!"


"Yes!" Anita squealed in anger. Cameron walked around the corner and stopped, staring at Morgan. A grin crept onto his face and rushed over to wrap Henry and Morgan in a hug.

"Cameron, how can you be for this? You know Henry and Amber are being set up to be married," Anita snapped, following Cameron into the kitchen. Cameron broke away from Henry and Morgan and turned to his wife.

"Honey, that was the plan we agreed to if Henry didn't find someone this year, but he has!" Cameron exclaimed happily. Anita's frown deepened as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Oh come on, she's already here, we will have her stay."

"Fine. Come along, I'll show you where you'll be sleeping," Anita stated, motioning for Morgan to follow.

"I thought she'd stay in -," Henry began, but was cut off by Anita.

"She will not be staying upstairs and the guest room is already being taken this year. She will stay downstairs and that's final!" Anita snapped. Morgan picked up her bag and nodded to Henry. He let out a sigh as they followed Anita down into the basement.

The stairs opened up into a large room that held multiple pieces of exercise equipment. Morgan looked around as she followed Anita to the right down a short hallway. On the right was a wet bar and what appeared to be a wine cellar. On the left was two rooms, the first one the door was propped open and Morgan could see a desk tucked in the corner. The computer was on and running, creating a soft whir. Anita stepped through the archway of the second room. This room had an old couch, a few nice chairs, and a christmas tree in one corner.

"You'll stay on the couch," Anita stated, pointing to the long piece of furniture.

"Really?" Henry began to protest. Morgan cut him off by holding up her hand.

"I've slept on plenty of couches in my lifetime. This one works great," Morgan stated, staring Anita down. The older woman crossed her arms over her chest and let out a huff.

"Dinner will be made soon. We shall talk more then," Anita said before barging out of the room and up the stairs.  

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