December 24th 10:27AM

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"Where are we going?" Morgan asked, walking alongside Henry as they made their way through the New York streets.

"A few places," Henry replied, smiling down at Morgan.

"That doesn't tell me anything," she said, dodging a man racing by on his phone.

"Can't you just accept that it's a surprise?" Henry asked with a laugh. Morgan shook her head and grinned. He reached out and grabbed her, pulling her to the side as a woman stormed past, cursing at someone on her phone.

"Sounds like Anita," Morgan stated. Henry let out a snort of laughter and shook his head. He turned into a small restaurant, motioning for Morgan to follow him. He opened the door and let the warmth flood out into the street. Morgan shivered as she entered the well lit room.

"What is this place?" She asked, looking up at Henry as he closed the door behind them.

"My mom used to take me here when I was a kid, we would come in and order a new sandwich every week," he replied, leading her over to a small booth by the window out front. Morgan slid into the gray seat and ran her hand over the granite table top.

"Well I'll be dammed, Henry?" The waiter approaching the table questioned, holding the white menus to his black uniform.

"Yes?" Henry looked up. The two men looked at each other for a moment before the waiter grinned.

"I can't believe it. I remember you and your, oh, I'm sorry," the waiter said. He bowed his head and handed the menus to Morgan and Henry.

"No, it's okay. Did you have the long ponytail by chance?" Henry asked, his eyes narrowing as he looked at the waiter's face. The man's long chin and pointed nose had looked familiar. The waiter nodded his head fiercely.

"It's been a long time, I was wondering if you would ever come back. It's nice to see you again, let me know if you need anything!" The waiter turned to leave but then stopped and turned around. "You uh, might want to be careful around the woman over there, she has got a thing against Anderson Co. and uh, don't show your face much." He turned and strode off, heading to another table.

"Anderson what?" Morgan questioned, her head tilting to the side. Henry reached up and rubed the back of his neck and shrugged.

"My dad's company," he replied.

"You work for him?" Henry nodded a reply. "And by the way the waiter spoke it's kind of a big company?" Henry nodded again. Morgan nodded with him and shrugged. "That's really cool that you get to work with him. Well, you like it though?"

"Yeah, I've always wanted to go to work with him," Henry replied, bowing his head.

"You seem unsure of yourself," Morgan stated. Henry fiddled with one corner of the menu and sighed.

"It would be nice for once to be in a business that I'm not know for as my dad's son. I'd like to work in the same field, just, maybe not here," Henry responded. His finger stopped fiddling with the edge of the paper and he let out a soft sigh.

"That's understandable," Morgan said. Henry shook his head, but did not say anything as the waiter approached.

"Drinks? I totally forgot to ask about them beforehand," he held out a little notepad in front of him, a pen poised above the paper.

"Just water?" Morgan stated, but it came out like a question, her focus was on Henry, not on the waiter.

"Me too," Henry said. The waiter nodded his head enthusiastically and darted off to the kitchen. The two young adults sat in silence, looking through the menus. Well, pretending to. Morgan kept stealing glances at Henry, trying to make sure he was okay. His gaze was on the menu, but his mind was elsewhere.

"He wants me to take over."

"And you don't want to," Morgan stated and nodded her head. Henry let out a sigh. The girl reached her hand out across the small table and rested it on his own. His eyes moved from the menu to her hand.

"Yeah, I don't want to," he replied softly, turning his hand so their palms were pressed together. "How am I supposed to tell him that?"

"You'll figure out a way," Morgan responded. She gently pressed her fingers into his wrist and he mimicked the movement causing him to crack a small smile. The waiter bounded back over, his grin blinding as he approached the table.

"Food for you two?"

"What did you get him?" Morgan asked, looking around at the different store fronts. One caught her eye and she tilted her head, rereading the store name over and over again. A smirk played across her face, but she bit her lip to get rid of the evidence.

"He's always wanted to fix this watch, but never got around to it. It was one Mom got him when they first starting going out. It broke years ago and he never went to fix it. He was too scared that they would damage it more," Henry replied, tugging the collar of his coat closer around his neck.

"How come you were able to get it fixed if he didn't want them damaging it?" Morgan questioned, looking up at Henry.

"He gave it to me. Said that he shouldn't hold onto it forever and he wanted me to have it. The way he looked at it when he gave it to me, I couldn't keep it," Henry responded. Morgan nodded her head and gave him a small smile. "I found someone who would fix it, and he said that he would take great care of it once I told him what it stood for. We're dropping it off and come back later." Henry stopped in front of a jeweler's shop and opened the door. The two stepped inside the store. Morgan cringed at the strong clean scent and the tinge of metal.

"I'm just gonna dart across the street, I'll meet you here in ten?" She asked, backing towards the door. Henry cocked his head to the side and watched her as she made her way back through the store.

"Okay, I'll be here," he stated as she slipped out the door.  

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