December 22nd 7:33PM

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"So tell me, where are you from?" Cameron asked Morgan as Allison slid into the last seat at the glass table.

"I'm from Northern Maine, but live in Portland, sir," Morgan replied. Katie handed her a serving dish filled with broccoli.

"What do you do for a job?" Anita questioned, watching Morgan scoop out some of the green vegetable into her plate. When she finished, she passed it on to Henry, who gently took it from her.

"I have multiple jobs," Morgan replied. Anita scowled and shook her head as Cameron looked on, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. "My main job is reviewing resorts. Companies hire me to go to resorts all over the country for a week and review how the resort is doing. I also get to go places around the area to review those for the resorts to give to customers. When I'm not doing that I work in an art studio in Portland."

"So you basically have no job at all?" Anita asked. Morgan took a plate of ham from Katie and set it down on the table.

"No, that means I have two," Morgan replied. Katie and Allison shared a look across the table.

"I just mean they don't seem very job-like. Have you worked anything else?" Anita questioned.

"I have been working since I was fourteen years old. I've worked retail, I've been a cashier, I have worked in a cubicle at an office. Work and school has been my life," Morgan responded, passing food once again to Henry. She could hear his breath, ragged and fast. She moved her leg to touch his, trying to let him know she was okay. He stole a look down at the table and let out a sigh. "When did you start working?" Morgan turned the question back onto Anita. The woman lifted her glass of wine up to her lips and took a sip, ignoring the question.

"So Morgan, what's it like in the art studio? What do you do?" Katie asked, handing Morgan another dish.

"I monitor artwork, but also we do custom orders of sketchbooks or paintings, so I often get to work on those. Every month we hold a new gallery party. It's a fun job," Morgan replied giving Katie a smile. The seventeen year old smiled back.

"It sounds like it would be a lot of fun," Katie stated. This got a snort from Anita. Everyone's eyes at the table turned to look at her.

"It sounds like a job for someone who wants to live off of the welfare system," Anita said letting out a chuckle.

"If that was supposed to be a burn, you need a little more flame. I've never lived off the system and I do not aim to," Morgan stated, taking a sip of her own drink.

"So is that why you're dating Henry, so you won't have to?" Anita asked, leaning over the table. Cameron's eyes narrowed as he turned and looked at Morgan.

"Can we talk about something else?" Henry grumbled. Morgan set down her drink, the base clinking on the glass table top.

"I'd rather live off the streets than be with someone for what's in their wallet. I'm not materialistic, if that's what you're implying," Morgan replied. She shrugged her shoulders and picked up her fork. Cameron chuckled and took a sip of his own drink.

"How did you meet then, if you're from Portland?" Anita asked. Henry's breath caught in his throat and he reached for his drink, his cheeks darkening. Morgan swallowed a bite of food and turned her focus back to Anita.

"I do a lot of work near home the second half of the year, so I've been in and out of New York quite often," Morgan replied. Anita let out a heavy breath and shook her head. Morgan looked up at Henry who met her gaze. She lifted one corner of her mouth in a smile. He mimicked her facial expression before looking away.

"And you make this whole thing work? Henry lives here and works for his father, you do, well, whatever you do. How can you be in a relationship?" Anita questioned, a smirk playing across her face.

"Oh my god, Anita. This is not the dark ages. Long distance relationships are a thing. If anyone is capable of it in this family, it's Henry. Stop trying to find a flaw in the relationship just because you don't like it," Allison snapped. She pushed back from the table and stormed off up the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Anita called out, getting up from the table. "You come back here!" Anita stomped up the stairs, yelling out to Allison. There was a loud slam as the door closed upstairs. Anita let out a shriek and her footsteps faded.

"The attic is renovated as the master bedroom. She's gone and locked herself in there," Henry stated. Morgan dropped her head, not realizing she had been staring at the white ceiling.

"Oh, that's pretty cool," Morgan replied.

"I don't feel good, I'm going to bed," Katie stated and got up from the table. Cameron watched, his face soft as his daughter walked away from the table.

"Maddie, when you're done eating, you can go play," he stated, turning to look at his youngest child. Maddie set her fork down and climbed out of the chair. She let out a happy laugh and raced up the stairs.

"Would you clean up, Henry, I need to finish some things up for work," Cameron spoke softly, his voice barely louder than a whisper. He lifted his large frame up from the table and ambled away. Morgan kept an eye on him as he made his way up the stairs, taking one step at a time as if they would crumble out from underneath his feet. She turned her focus back to Henry who was staring down at his hands, folded in his lap. He let out a sigh and stood up, picking up plates. Morgan watched Henry for a few minutes before standing up. She started grabbing the glasses.

"What are you doing?" Henry asked from the other side of the table. Morgan flicked her head, moving the hair out of her face.

"Helping you," she replied. He gave her a soft smile before turning and making his way to the dishwasher.  

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