December 25th 7:21 AM

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"Henry, what do you mean?" Allison asked, her head turning from Morgan to Henry. Morgan stood with her head bowed, her hands on the back of the chair, knuckles white from her tight grip. Anita sat back in her chair, crossing her arms with a smirk on her face.

"I was exhausted of Anita drilling me to date Amber so I found someone willing to pretend to be my girlfriend so Anita would lay off," Henry growled out. Anita sat back in her chair and began to laugh.

"I was right, she is just in it for the money," Anita cackled. Everyone turned to look at Morgan.

"I'm not paid, I did it because I wanted to," Morgan snapped, lifting her head to glare at Anita. Anita frowned and stood up.

"What do you mean?" Katie questioned, a frown on her face as well, yet she appeared more upset than angry.

"I was asked if I would pretend to be with Henry and I said I would. It would be better than staying in a hotel for four days," Morgan replied softly. Gram walked over to the girl and rubbed her shoulder gently.

"Let's go get your stuff and I'll drive you to the airport," Gram stated. Morgan turned to look at the elderly woman and nodded her head. The two walked out of the room and disappeared down the stairs.

"Henry, why," Cameron breathed, looking up at his son. Henry bowed his head and bit his lip.

"You're absolutely the dumbest person I have ever met," Allison snapped as she stood up. Henry looked up at his sister and let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled out, running a hand through his hair.

"I could care less that you brought some girl home, I'm more bothered by the fact that you just didn't keep it a secret and try to actually date her. Come on," Allison scoffed and walked into the kitchen.

"What?" Henry asked, turning to look at his older sister.

"I second that," Katie said through a mouthful of food. "You actually looked happy for once. Should have just gone for it." Katie took another bite and shrugged her shoulders.

"Why isn't Morgan staying?" Maddie asked, her small mouth curved into a frown.

"Henry told her to leave," Katie leaned over and ruffled the girl's hair. The young girl looked up at her half-brother with sad eyes.

"Why do you want her to go?" Henry didn't respond. He let out a heavy sigh and walked away from the table. His footsteps could be heard as he made his way up the stairs.

"I need to make sure she doesn't leave quite yet," Cameron said, pushing away from the table.

"Why?" Anita questioned, her voice cold. Cameron looked down at the woman and smiled.

"I need her help delivering a big surprise for everyone. Since she's the only one not apart of the family, she's the one I need to help me," Cameron replied, patting Anita's shoulder.

"Oh," Anita said surprised. She nodded her head and Cameron walked off, heading towards the basement. 

So a note: This chapter is extremely short just because shit is going to go down in the next chapter and I wanted it to all be in one part instead of spreading it out into two.  I could have split it up, but I decided to extend it to one chapter instead.  

Only 3 parts left!  Christmas Day will be the last section added to this story!  It's coming up fast.  

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