Chapter 1

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I sigh as I wake up and realize it's the first day of my sophomore year in high school. I stretch and get out of bed, quickly changing  into a golden yellow t-shirt with my gray skinny jeans. I also pull on my black boots.

I walk to the bathroom and brush through my red hair. People think its ginger but it's really red with orange highlights. And no, it's not dyed.

"CC, are you awake?", my adoptive mom asks. I roll my eyes and grab my notebook and backpack before coming out of my room where June Darby was waiting.

"Sorry Coral. I forgot that you're mute", she apologizes. I wave her off to tell her it's fine before heading to the kitchen to get some food.

I ignore Jack as I get an apple and eat it. The reason why I was ignoring Jack? It's so I don't remember my family. My presumed dead family. I had a twin brother I was really close to. He was so vain though. I smile softly before heading out the to walk to school while eating my apple.

Jack rides past on his motorcycle and offers to give me a ride. I just shake my head and continue to walking. That paint job looks so familiar... I wonder where I've seen it before.

I shake my head to snap myself out of my thoughts and walk into the school. I walk into the office and walk up to the secretary. She looks as me before asking, "how can I help you?"

I open up my notebook to what I had prepared yesterday.

'My name is Coral Cortell. I'm a new student. Do you have my schedule?', I show her what I wrote.

"Ah, Coral, yes I believe I have your schedule", she says as she hands it to me. I flip to a page in my notebook and point to my response.

'Thank You', is what it says. She merely nods and I find my first class. I take a deep breath before opening the door and stepping inside.

"You must be Coral. Welcome to Jasper High School", my teacher, Mr. Barnes, says with a smile. "Why don't you come up front and tell us about yourself?"

I frown before coming up to the front and opening my notebook to the very first thing I had written in there.

'I'm mute.'

"Oh, I'm so sorry!", Mr. Barnes exclaims. I shrug before pointing to the white board.

"Yes, you can use the board to tell us about yourself", he says. I nod before grabbing a marker.

'My name is Coral Cortell and I am mute. I was adopted by June Darby. I like to learn which is why I like school. I am also a nerd. And don't pick a fight with me because I may be silent but I am deadly. Just kidding, but I have trained how to fight for over five years. I know how to defend myself', I write before looking at Mr. Barnes. He smiles before telling me to sit next to Rafael.

I look around the room to see a young boy waving at me with an empty seat right next to him. I smile at him before sitting down.

As I went through all of my classes, I noticed everyone being afraid of one of the students here. I think his name is Vince.

I got past my fourth class of the day and found the cafeteria. I got my food and I see Raf waving at me so I walked over to him.

"You should sit with me and my friends", he says. I nod and follow him to a table where I see a Japanese girl and... Jack? I shrug and sit down next to Raf.

"Oh, hey CC", Jack says. I nod at him before I start eating.

"Jack, you know Coral?", Raf asks. I grin before opening up my notebook and writing something down before showing it to Raf.

'Remember what I wrote in Mr. Barnes class?'

Raf facepalms and chuckles. I smile before finishing my food.

I open my notebook to a page and point to a sentence.

'See you later!' Raf only before engaging a conversation with the Japanese girl who I learned was called Miko.

I got through my last two classes and started to walk home before I was pulled into an alley. I turn to glare at whoever it was but soon realized it was Jack.

"CC, listen. Vince challenged me to a race at 11 p.m. I accepted but I need you to not tell Mom", he says. I open my notebook to a page and start writing.

'I won't tell Mom... If you take me with you', I grin at him. He sighs and I knew I won this.

"Fine. I'll come pick you up at about 20 to 11", Jack says. I nod before continuing on my way. 

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