Chapter 8

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*BlazeWing's POV*

I start waking up as I feel someone hold my hand. I was confused. Who would be here that would be holding my hand. Wait, where am I even? Last I remember was free-falling off the Decepticons warship. Why was I free-falling off the Decepticon's ship?

"I wish I had never left you..." Someone whispers that to me. Who is that? Is it the same bot who is holding my hand?

Suddenly, I am seeing things from outside my body. I see Starscream sitting next to me, holding my hand. Why is he holding my hand? Then I notice my surroundings. I'm in Ratchet's medbay. How did I get here? And why is Starscream here? He's a rogue. Too many questions...

Suddenly, I remember feeling pain throughout my back as I was preparing to leave the Nemesis. Remembering that made me pain shoot through my body, causing me to return to my body. It also caused me to wake up.

"Star... Scream..." I tried to speak but I was very weak and the pain made it difficult. My voice caused Starscream to jump before he looked down at me.

"Shh. Save your strength. You were shot in the back", Starscream says.

"What... happened...?" I struggled to get it out.

"You were shot in the back by one of the troopers. You were free-falling so I caught you and contacted Ratchet. We then brought you here where Ratchet fixed you the best he could", Starscream explains.

I tried smiling as I weakly said, "You... saved... me...  My... hero... If I... was strong... enough... I would.... give you a kiss..."

Starscream looked shocked causing me to giggle slightly. "You... weren't.... expecting that... were you...?" I continued to struggle to speak before I realized something. I was dying. I knew I was. I realized I had to tell him about the prophecy. He might be able to find the one who is supposed to the help me. "I... need... to tell... you... something... before..." I started to cough. "Before... I go...."

"Go? What do you mean?" Starscream was very confused and I thought I heard a scared tone in his voice as well.

"Starscream... I'm... dying... There was a prophecy..." I managed to work up enough strength to speak without having to pause every so often. "It goes 'If the Descendant of Prime is close to death, she must have her true love's kiss before she is gone." That was all I managed to say. I couldn't tell him the entire prophecy.

Starscream stares and me and I chuckle weakly.

"It's stupid I know. But it's the reason why Sire... and Knockout... are so protective of me... I'm the descendant of Prime", I say, closing my optics, not having enough strength to keep them open anymore.

"What? No!" Starscream yells. I chuckle weakly before sighing.

"I haven't even had my first kiss yet because I've never been this close to death nor have I been close to anyone", I say, my eyes still closed. I had relaxed, knowing that this will probably be the end for me.

"Blaze... May have the honor of being your first kiss?" Starscream was very polite and it surprised me but I smiled as I spoke.

"I wouldn't have it any other way", I say, opening my eyes tiredly, and looking at Starscream, smiling weakly.

He leans down and kisses me and I kiss back. You know that saying that there will be sparks when you kiss your true love. Well, I felt none. But I did feel myself strengthening and healing. The kiss only lasted a few more seconds but by the end, I was completely healed and sitting up. Starscream pulls away just as Ratchet and Sire were walking in. Ratchet stops and stares at me sitting up. I had a happy look on my face.

"How?" Ratchet was very shocked. "You were so close to death!"

"Sire... remember that prophecy about the Descendant of Prime...?" I was nervous about how he would react to finding out that Starscream was my true love...

"Yes..." He was confused and I thought he was also being cautious but it probably was just my imagination.

"Well... it just happened..." I look down at the ground as I tell him that.

"It what?" Sire was very shocked and when I looked up he was staring at Starscream. I look over at Starscream and he was watching me. I smile softly before looking at Ratchet who was severely confused.

"I'm confused... Prophecy?" Ratchet decided to get some information.

"There was a prophecy that Primus told me when I received the Matrix of Leadership. As you know, Elita and I had already had the twins when I received it. The prophecy scared me so much that I sent her away into hiding. She ended up here, where she took on a human form", Sire explains to Ratchet.

"So what was the prophecy?" Ratchet kept asking his questions.

"'If the Descendant of Prime is close to death, she must have her true love's kiss before she is gone. If she dies, the two connected world's die", Sire and I say at the same time, causing me to smile.

"You didn't tell me that part", Starscream points out.

"I only told you the important part", I say with a smile, causing Starscream to smile before he brings up something important.

"So what are you going to do with me?" he asks. Sire thinks for a moment before deciding.

"We always need more fire power and you know the Decepticons well. Would you like to join Team Prime?" Sire holds out his servo for Starscream to either accept or deny. Starscream stares at it for a moment before glancing at me. He smiles at me before turning back to outstretched servo and takes it, making me grin.

"Welcome to Team Prime", I say before tackling him into a hug and then getting yelled at by Ratchet for my sudden movement.

*Starscream's POV*

My plan has been put into action. The formula worked and when I kissed her, it healed her. They accepted me and now I just have to get their secrets. Hopefully I won't have to act for very long because I absolutely hate being near their filthy Autobot bodies. I shiver slightly but not visibly.

Soon, I'll be able to worm my way back into the Decepticons. Soon, I'll take my rightful place by Megatron's side and he'll get rid of that worthless bug, Airachnid. Soon, I'll be trustworthy again. I will take my rightful place on the Nemesis. And there is no one who can stop me.

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