Japanese Cuisine

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Chapelle-sensei and Dojima Gin had just finished explaining the procedures for their day when the students immediately dispersed to their own groups. Sakura checked the board, her face cracking into a smirk-grin-combo when her eye caught the detail that Soma and Takumi would be in the same class.

Well, she thought. This is going to be interesting.

At the Group F training site, a petite Japanese lady spoke in her sweet and innocent voice. Though, of course, looks can be deceiving. "It seems you are all here." Inui spoke.

Suddenly, a girl barged in. This young girl was exactly the age of Soma, Takumi and the rest of the group. Her turquoise eyes flashed as she glanced at all of them, staring them down as if analyzing all of their strengths and vulnerabilities. Her silvery hair was waist length, and it matched Nakiri Alice's style of the "one very long section of bangs in her hair." This girl, was none other than Nakiri Sakura.

"Good afternoon, Inui." she greeted.

"Eh? Kura-chan, don't you have your own class to attend to?"

Sakura sighed. "As much I'd love to ditch it, I can't because it starts tomorrow. Some kids considered themselves lucky because they got to spend the day off.

Hinako Inui seemed a bit surprised at Sakura's sudden visit but nonetheless continued with her introduction. "Anyways, now all of you, intended to come into my class," she glanced sidelong at Sakura, who offered a cheeky smile. "Will be working in pairs." she finished.
The group burst into cheers. "You'll be in the same pairs as your first practicum of the first semester. Please go to your workstations."

Tadokoro Megumi instantly dashed across the room to Soma, relief painted across her face. "Thank goodness! I'll be with you, Soma-kun!" Soma, however, seemed just as indifferent as ever.

Sakura frowned at the sight that Tadokoro displayed in front of her. If she learned to rely on Soma's flexibility and talent too much, it would shatter her cooking expertise. But she quickly brushed the thought into the corner of her mind. "Oh, Inui, can I join the class too? Kojiro won't let me join his. I think he's still angry....Oh, and can I also work solo?"

Inui nodded, smiling. "Of course!"

Just like they always did, the whispers started.

"Oh my God, Nakiri-sensei is going to be cooking in front of us for the first time!"

"I wonder what she cooks like."

"Well, it's obviously going to be really good."

"But she's working solo..."

"You imbecile, that's obviously not going to affect her."

Sakura glanced at the last boy who had made the last comment. She hated to be boastful, but it was true. Parter or no partner, her speed and skill would remain exactly the same.

But back to the current scene: Just as Soma was going to turn to Tadokoro and start chattering away, a boy with Italian blue eyes and blond hair approached him. Takumi spoke in a voice that resembled that of the others who had discarded the existence of Soma; and Sakura didn't like it.

"Yukihira Soma, is it?" he asked.

The addressed boy turned around, his grin plastered to his face innocently as if nothing wrong would happen. "Yeah, so?"

Takumi suddenly planted his foot right on top of Soma's and started grinding it for the next 20 seconds. Soma's eyes widened, but his surprised facial expression quickly morphed into his casual smirk. His eyes narrowed. "Since you've been grinding your foot into mind for the last 20 seconds, I guess I can assume it's intentional?"

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