Nakamozu Kinu is a Weird Lady

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     The quartet attracted a lot of attention as they traveled through the huge fortress of domineering in-station buildings. 

     You really couldn't blame them for how much attention they attracted.  With Nikumi in the group, there were lots of lusty and envious stares.  And not to mention, there was Sakura, who held her own elegant and dignified aura.  The way she carried herself practically screamed DO NOT DEFY ME.  Meanwhile, Kurase was giving off a timid vibe, and just by the way she was trembling, anyone could tell that she felt out of place. 

     And then there was Souma, who had absolutely no clue whatsoever that most of the guys were giving him envious looks.  Of course, it was to be expected.  As he was the only guy in the group with three other girls.  Two of which were outstanding in the looks department, while the other one was kinda cute looking. 

     Meanwhile, Sakura was pleasantly trying to break the ice by starting off a conversation with Kurase.  However, she failed because Nikumi had already lashed out on the poor girl.  It all started with Kurase wistfully looking in Nikumi's direction. 

     Mito Ikumi, huh?  I hear she's someone famous, like a model.  I think her family's also really rich, like they own their very own industry.  Without realizing it, Kurase began to stare. 

     Nikumi, who could feel the burning feeling of eyes staring at her, whipped around.  The sudden action had Kurase squeaking a bit.  "Temee, what are you staring at?!" she demanded, raising her tanned fists into the air to show that she was ready to fight the scared              Kurase-bunny. 

     "Oi, oi.  Calm down, Nikumi.  You're scaring her!" Sakura scolded. 

     Nikumi instantly calmed down.  Guilty, she turned her head away and folded her arms across her ample chest.  "S-sorry, Nakiri-sensei."

     Sakura sighed again.  "Drop all formalities, Nikumi.  Just call me Nakiri.  We're not on school grounds.  So I can call you Nikumi!  It's a really cute nickname, y'know." she whipped her head around to talk to Kurase.  "Speaking of nicknames, what do your friends call you?"

     Kurase looked up.  "M-Mayu.  But my real name is Mayumi."

     "That's a pretty name." Sakura remarked and she pouted.  "I don't know why my parents named me Sakura.  It's long and it sounds awfully cliché."

     Kurase blinked.  She wasn't aware that Nakiri Sakura had this playful vibe to her.  "But Sakura is a very pretty name." she smiled.  "Cherry blossoms are very pretty."

     Sakura smiled at the compliment and thanked Kurase, who was mentally overwhelmed with what was happening.  Meanwhile, Nikumi was looking over them from afar with a slightly envious look.  That pathetic weakling had managed to get on Sakura's good side! 

     "Ah, we're here!" Souma announced, pointing to the crowded store. 

     "Compared to the rest of the station, it looks like its own kingdom." Sakura remarked.  Eizan Etsuya is very good at these kind of things.  But how well does the actual store owner fare? 

     Upon entering the domineering store, the quartet quickly got in line, to which Souma spotted a familiar face.  "Huh, Mr. Chairman, is that you?" he called loudly. 

     The most suspicious looking figure in the entire store was dolled up in a thick brown trench coat (when it was in the middle of a 90° summer day), a matching hat and a pair of super suspicious looking shades.  "Ah!  Souma-chan, lower your voice you're going to get me caught!"

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