Soma + "Saiba Joichirou?!" = Laughing Sakura

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Fumio Daimido, the current Madonna of the Polar Star Dormitory was busying herself by vacuuming the carpet. Though busy, she was thinking of a particular gang of first years. "Ah, soon enough these rooms will be filled with those noisy children again..." she sighed and laughed quietly to herself.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and the distinct sound of people bickering back and forth caused Fumio to sigh again. "You know you're old when time really does fly..." she muttered. So she flung the door open wide, ready to scold her kids for being too loud. "Aish! Back al-" she cut herself off when she was met with the sight of a grown up Saiba Joichirou and a still young Nakiri Sakura piggybacking on his back. They were still arguing of course.

"Oi! Listen to me old man!" Sakura yelled. "Soma and I are not dating! Ya hear me?! NOT! N-O-T!!"

Joichirou burst into a fit of cackles. "Awww, my dear little Kura-chan is a tsundere," he ruffled her silver hair. "Don't worry, I'm sure it was love at first sight!" he then started to squeal and gush like a school girl like he did when he was talking to Kakono, Sakura's mother on the phone many weeks ago.

Sakura rolled her eyes, tossing her hair back. "I ain't no tsundere." She was about to come back with another snappy retort when Fumio charged into their bickering fest, quite literally actually, with a broom stick.

"OI! You kids!" she shook her head. "Joichirou's all grown up and you, Kura-chan, are still bickering at him like you do with your cousins." she sighed. "But anyways," Fumio turned her attention to the Totsuki alumnus. "You should have told me if you would be dropping by."

Joichirou shook his head. "Nah, I just happened to be in the area. Then I ran into Little Miss Tsundere over here," he gestured to Sakura, who huffed and crossed her arms. "and I was like, 'Why not?'" he grinned. "So where's Soma?"

"They're off at the training camp with the other alumni." Sakura answered curtly.

"Eh, already?!" the man was shocked at how quickly time had flew by.

"Speaking of which," Fumio tutted, clacking her broom stick against the old door frame. "Shouldn't you be with the other alumni right now?"

"Eh?!" Joichirou shouted again. "You were at the training camp?! As an ALUMNI?!" he asked in astonishment.

Sakura smacked his head. "Duh! 15 year old Nakiri Sakura who conquered Totsuki five years ago. Of course, I would be worthy enough to be an alumni at that training camp!" she exclaimed.

Fumio sighed. And now they were back to the arguing...


A few hours later, Joichirou and Sakura's somewhat playful argument cooled down and now they were cooking their own full course meals for the incoming first years whilst talking about the past events, mainly Soma though.

Then, the doorbell rang again.

Isshiki Satoshi smiled a little bit. "They must be home now!"

Fumio rolled her eyes. "Yeah, let's just hope that it's actually not Dojima and Alice bickering with each other."

Satoshi laughed. "Very funny, Fumio. I'll go get the door!" So he did go get the door, where he was met by a smiling gang of first years from the Polar Star Dorm. "Two, four, six,'re all here! Congratulations, guys! How'd it go?" he asked.

They all barged in, partially trampling him. "Mmm..." Daigo Aoki exclaimed, his nose sniffing the air. "Smell that aroma!"

"Yes!" his bickering counterpart, Shoji Sato, agreed. "I can't wait to finally have some of Fumio's cooking; it's been too long!"

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