Forty Two

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"Hey twin are you ready?" Ant asked coming into my office. "Yeah in one second, I just have to finish feeding Junior." I told him. He nodded and took a seat. "You taking Junior?" "Yeah I have to but he will be in his stroller covered up because she isn't seeing my baby." I said.

We were fixing to meet up with Renee and I was hoping and praying that she wasn't bullshitting me. I needed Don home with me and if she could help and do what she had to do then hell yeah I was going to talk to her.

After burping Junior I placed him in his stroller and we were walking over to the cafe. When we walked in Renee wasn't there so we got a table and sat.

"You hungry?" Ant wondered. I shook my head no. "Forget you, over there being cute. Excuse me while I go get something to fix my hunger." I watched as he walked up to the counter to order his food. My phone signaled a text and I saw the unknown number knowing that it was Renee. She let me know that she was running a few minutes behind.

"Anthony I told you that I wasn't hungry." I said as he placed the turkey and cheese sandwich in front of me. "Did you forget that I know you? You already lost mad weight due to this situation because you're stressing even though you pretend you aren't, you need to eat."

I was trying my hardest not to roll my eyes at the boy. He thought just because he was pulled out of our moms stomach first that he was the oldest and could boss me around. I always had to remind him that we were conjoined, there is no oldest. We were born at the same damn time. He was Baby A and I was Baby B, he was on the left and I was on the right. We were one in the same just a boy and a girl.

I mean, yeah I lost weight from stressing and picking the habit of smoking every now and again back up but I still had a little thickness. Instead of my twelve I was in a size eight and I didn't want to be. I knew that if Adonis were to see me then he would make me eat and eat until I got my thickness back. "Don't worry sis, I'll help you get that meat back on your bones." Ant laughed as I gave him the finger.

"So, where is this lying ass whore?" I laughed and choked on my sandwich. "Anthony be nice. Here she comes now." Renee came speed walking and carrying who I was assuming to be her daughter. "Sorry I'm late." I just nodded and waited for her to get situated.

"Okay so I'm not trying to make small talk with you because I don't like you like that to care how you're doing. All I need to know is how you can get my man out and why three months later you want to do this." I said while looking at Ant who was on the phone. He was supposed to be paying attention and he's over here playing on the phone. What was the point of him being here with his non helpful ass. "Okay, that's fine." Renee agreed.

"Well I don't know where to start." She said. "You can start from the beginning." Both Ant and I said together. I stuck my tongue out at him while he flipped me off. I looked back to Renee and waited for her to start. She looked nervous.

"Okay well a few months before you came to the studio and found out that I had sex with Adonis, I met a guy. We were just friends and nothing more. I wasn't interested in being with him, I wanted Adonis. He was supposed to be with me and not you. I hated you because I couldn't see what he saw in you. I'll be honest, I still don't see-" "Don't get cut in this cafe." I warned. "Sorry uh, so I left Adonis alone because I started to talk to the guy, Jayden. Jayden was nice, charming but he started to be controlling. He would beat on me and repeatedly rape me at times if I didn't do what he said."

"Okay enough about this guy, if you can't get to the part where he is involved in this then I don't care to know what he did to you or for you. This whole meeting is to talk about getting Don home and not about your boyfriend." Anthony said. "Ex boyfriend." Renee rolled her eyes at him. "I don't care if he was the Pope. What does he have to do with why you got the man arrested on some false shit?" I just sat back and pushed Junior's stroller back and forward because he started to whine. It was close to his bedtime and if Renee could wrap this up then it would be great.

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