Chapter 5

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Author's note: hey guys look its 3:30am, i've been having late nights a lot lately to write the next few chapters so if this has typos and errors just tell me okay thanks

Cyan's POV

I ran towards Alana as fast as my legs could take me, shooting Mako, my Flaringo, to clear my way. I ran closely behind him, just far enough so his flames wouldn't harm me as she cleared my way to Alana. I grinned proudly as my Flaringo scorched and took down each and every guard in his way.

"Atta boy, Mako!" I shouted with glee as he glided in the air, defeating every guard in my way until he reached Alana and Ataro. I ran towards the both of them as Ataro aimed a punch at Alana's face. I jumped through the gap between them, punching Ataro in the face as hard as I could. I heard his jaw crack as he tumbled to the floor. He still possessed Gladiola's body, her eyes still flashing red as Ataro stayed in one of the slugtubes on her bandoleer.

"Hey, how's life?" I greeted Alana, who looked shocked at my sudden presence, but she shook it off easily, a smile growing on her face.

"Wild. I just battled an innocent guy who's being possessed by a slug. Just everyday life." She sarcastically replied, loading her blaster with her Hypnogrif, Cipher, brushing a strand of loose hair aside, tucking it behind her ear. She glanced worriedly at her boyfriend, who battled one of Ataro's right hand men. Though, I didn't see why he had to worry as he dodged ghoul after ghoul, missing his chance to tackle him, but Leo quickly pummeled his opponent's face with a high kick in the air, sending him sprawling onto the floor.

"Alana. He'll be fine. He'll still scare the hell out of me but he'll be fine." I reassured her with a smile, patting her back. She smiled as she saw Leo's foot on top of his opponent's chest, his blaster aimed right at the soldier's face.

"I hope so, Cyan. I hope so." She sighed worriedly, her cyan blue eyes fixated on her boyfriend,

"Oh, I don't think so, dear Alana. " A deep, threatening voice laughed darkly. Both of us turned around to see Ataro advancing towards us, his dislocated jaw dangling from his mouth precariously. We watched as his jaw popped back into place on his own, a grin creeping up to his face, as we took a step back, aiming our blasters at him.

"In fact, I'll be surprised if any of you make it out alive."

"We'll colour you surprised then." I shot back, and he let out a low growl from his throat, shooting a Grenuke at Alana and my feet. Alana dodged left and I dodged right, sideflipping the way Trixie taught me, shooting Bahaya, my Armashelt as I was in the air. Ataro easily dodged it, but was hit by Alana's Rammstone, Sarge. He fell to the ground as I rolled to my feet, quickly shooting my Vinedrill, Pidge. Vines burst from the ground, holding him in place. I grinned victoriously as I loaded my Thresher in my blaster, Alana loading Ash, cockily offering,

"Return the cavern's slugs and get your men and your sorry ass out of here, and we might spare you." She aimed Ash directly at his tangled figure, like how I aimed Acri, my Thresher, at Ataro.

But instead of agreeing, he laughed.

"Oh, it's so funny how you think you have any chance against me. It's sexy, really." He complimented evilly, looking at Alana as he continued,

"No wonder Leo keeps you around, boys like him like a feisty one. Care to show me your freak in the sheets?" He flirted shamelessly, angering Alana and I. Alana's knuckles grew white as she gripped the handle of her blaster tightly, snarling furiously,

"I'll show you what it feels like to be burnt alive, you little bitch!" Her finger twitched on the trigger, Ash growling at the cruel man tangled in the vines. Ataro chuckled darkly, unfazed at a megamorphes Infurnus in his face.

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