Teacher ; Prologue

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One of the biggest secrets of my life was on the 10 o'clock news and there was no way I could ever stop the news from broadcasting. Soon, my face would be on the news for everyone to see and for everyone to hear about.

I never thought that I would have a police record, I always thought that I would stay out of trouble but one thing always leads to another. There was no way that I could get out of this mess only if I could go back in time. Stop myself from going to that club to celebrate my new job, stop myself from drinking, stop myself from talking to that boy but unfortunately, there was no way of changing the history. What's done is done. No turning back now.

There are two words that no one wants to have written on their police record, two words that could change the way people look at you, two words that could change the way people think of you, two words that no one would have ever looked at me and guessed. Those two words are life changing and all because of one boy.

If I were to go back in time, would I have changed what I did? Would I have started talking to a different boy? Would I have just stayed home and watched the telly? Would I have quit because of this one mistake?

One of the biggest secrets of my life was on the 10 o'clock news, but let's start where it all began...

Teacher ; Nick Mara (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now