Teacher ; Fîvë

272 7 0

Cleo's Point Of View

"I'll go down first, distract my parents and I'll give you some sort of sign so you know it's safe to go down." He told me.
"Alright, but what's this sign you're gonna give me?" I asked him as we began to walk out of his room.
"I don't know, I'd yell or something. Or you can wait at the bottom of the stairs and I'll let you know when you can leave." He replied.

We walked down the stairs and I sat down on a few steps but keeping behind the wall. If I peeked out a bit, I just see Nick resting against the counter and talking to what must be his parents.

"What time did you come back home last night?" I heard a deep voice ask.
"Umm, about like 11ish or so. You guys were in bed when I got back." Nick answered, lying but his parents didn't know that.
"Okay, did you boys get up to much?" His father asked again.
"Nah, we just stayed in and played video games," Nick replied, once again another lie. "Where's Mum?"
"Oh, she's just in the back garden doing some garden work." His dad answered.

Shit, how was I going to get out of his house without his parents noticing me? I peeked my head around the wall and saw Nick motion for me to go back to his room. I quietly went up the stairs and into his room.

I sat down on the edge of his bed and looked up to see some paintings on the wall above his desk. Nick's really good at art. While I was admiring his art, I felt the bed shift and looked to the side to see Nick sitting next to me.

"Did you do all this?" I asked him, eyeing the work and looking at him.
"Yeah, it's just something I do when I'm bored and have the time." He smiled.
"You're really good at this, I can tell you've got talent," I told him.
"Haha, thanks." He chuckled and blushed. "So, there's a bit of a delay with getting you out of here cause you can't go out the back otherwise my mum will catch you and you can't go out the front because that's where my dad's hanging out."
"What's your dad doing downstairs?" I asked, trying to think of a plan.
"He's probably watching tv or something, I can go check if you want." He replied as he stood up.
"I'll just wait by the stairs in case the coast is clear," I told him as we walked to the stairs.

I saw Nick walk downstairs and I quietly followed, staying behind the wall that allowed me to hide so no one could see me. Nick came back to where I was and signalled for me to be quiet as he grabbed my hand to lead me to the front door. We walked past the dining room, kitchen and lounge room where his dad was sitting on the couch watching tv. Luckily his back was facing us and seemed to be focused on what was on the screen. We got to the front door and Nick opened it.

"Just going for a walk dad." He said as we walked out the door.

He closed the door as we got out and for a while, we just stood on his front doorstep in silence.

"Well, last night was fun but I should probably get back to my roommate," I told him, breaking the silence.
"Yeah, I mean, I'll text you." He smiled, as his hands slid into his pant pockets.
"Okay, well I'll see you around I guess." I smiled, tucking some hair behind my ear.
"Yeah, see ya 'round." He said.

Before I walked away, I kissed him on the cheek and made my way away from his house. I saw Nick smile and what seemed to look like blushing before he went back inside.

I went to reach for my phone but realised that I didn't have it on me so I couldn't get Google Maps out. I knew where Maria lived, I just didn't know how to get there and with no money on me, I couldn't get a taxi.

I heard footsteps behind me so I turned around and saw Nick again.

"You know, I just realised you probably don't know where to go right?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck.
"Uh, yeah. I don't know where or how I'm gonna get back." I replied,
"I can drive you back if you want?" He offered. "It's completely up to you."
"I mean, it's better than nothing at this stage." I smiled.

He led me to his car and we got in. I told him the street name as he started up the car, it's not like I'm going to tell him the exact house number because I can find my way from there.

While we were driving, I heard Nick singing along to the radio every now and again. He has an amazing voice.

"Who has an amazing voice?" He asked, eyes focussed on the road.
"Oh crap, I said that out loud didn't I?" I replied, giggling.
"Yeah, you did." He smiled.
"I could totally lie and say it was the artist on the radio or I could say it was just you." I smiled.
"Thank you. Anyway, we're here now. Are you gonna be alright from here?" He asked, turning the car off.
"Yeah, I'll be fine thanks, Nick," I replied as I opened the car door and got out.
"No problems, see ya round Cleo." He winked.
"See you, Nick." I smiled and began walking to Maria's.

I saw Nick drive off as I headed toward the house. I knocked on the door and eventually, Maria came to open it.

"Oh my god girl! Where have you been all night and all morning? You've got some explaining to do." Maria instantly said as we walked inside.
"I'll tell you everything." I smiled.

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Authors Note

I know not much happened in the chapter and I apologise but either next chapter or the one after will be the first day of school. Just how will that turn out? You'll have to keep reading to find out.

Also, 200 reads so far. I'm proud of this baby and keep an eye out for a possible book trailer soon 😉.

Also, if you notice any PRETTYMUCH lyrics, comment where they are and what song they're from and you'll get a dedication in the next chapter.

Check out my socials:
Twitter: MooBearxoxo
Instagram: MooBearxoxo

And that is PRETTYMUCH the fifth chapter :-)

Teacher ; Nick Mara (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now