Teacher ; Ŧwo

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Cleo's Point of View
One month after moving in, one month before the school year starts

"Oh my god, the cutest guy came into work today." Maria smiled as she threw her bag onto the kitchen counters and joined me on the couch.
"Tell me more." I said as I paused the movie I was watching.
"Okay, so like it was a normal day at the cafe and I was finishing making some coffees for an elderly couple when this super cute guy walked in. So I went behind the counter and served him, he has blonde hair with like these gorgeous brown eyes. He ordered a chocolate muffin with a cappuccino and I doubt that he's a local because I would've seen this guy before. So I give him his muffin and made his drink, served it to him and blah blah blah, then he left and I went to clean up the table when on the table was a serviette with his number on it and his name which is Austin." She explained.
"Are you going to call or text him?" I asked her.
"I'm not going to do anything, I wouldn't even know what to say!" She complained.
"Woman up and at least text 'hey' or something." I told her.
"What if he's busy or what if he gave me the wrong number?" She asked.
"Text him and find out." I said, pushing her a little.
"Anyway, enough about me. How's Luke and you?" She asked me, leaning her forearms on the back of the couch.
"Didn't I tell you? Luke and I broke up." I replied, trying to remember if I told her or not.
"No way! I thought you'd still be together." She gasped, joining me on the couch. "What happened?"
"Well, after high school we both got accepted into the colleges we wanted to go to but they weren't the same ones. We thought that we could make it but we missed one phone call, then missed two and three. We lost touch and then broke up, I guess." I explained to her.
"But you never officially broke up?" She questioned.
"No, we just haven't talked to each other since college." I answered.
"We need to go out tonight and find you a new bae." She grinned, clapping her hands.
"But I don't want to go out tonight." I complained, grabbing my phone to check the time.
"But Club Orchid was listed as a hotspot tonight and we need to have some fun." She began, grabbing my hand to get me up.
"But can't we have a Netflix and pizza night? I'd rather do that then go to a nightclub." I suggested.
"No, have some fun and rebel for once. I'm getting you to go if you like it or not." She finalised, pulling me up from the couch and dragging me to my room.

After being forced to sit down and letting Maria do my makeup, she was finally done after what seemed like an hour. She had done a lip tint in a peachy shade, she filled in my brows and did my eye makeup. She had done a black in the crease with a pink in the centre and had also added false lashes, much to my disagreement, but now felt like I had butterflies attached to my lashes.

"Okay, you go get dressed and then I'll do your hair." She smiled.
"Ugh, this is too much work for one night." I grumbled as I went to my closet.

I decided that I may as well dress up considering that my makeup looks good, like really good. I opened my wardrobe and  started going through my dresses. I pulled out a two piece light pink dress and placed that on my bed. I had one last look in case I wanted to change my mind but I decided to stick with the pink.

I grabbed my silver stilettos and put them next to the dress. I grabbed my glittery, silver clutch and threw that onto the bed. I put my pink rose earrings in and added a few rings and decided on that for an outfit. I changed into the dress and put on my shoes before walking back to where Maria was. She was smiling as she was looking at her phone and was already ready.

"Ahem, I'm ready for my hair." I announced.
"Oh sorry, you look epic." She smiled.
"Did ya text Austin?" I asked, walking closer to see her phone.
"Maybe, I asked if he was coming to the club tonight." She replied, showing me her phone.

Maria 🔮🎀
Hey Austin, at least I hope this number is yours. Anyway, was wondering if you thought of going to Club Orchid tonight.

                                                  Austin 😍

       Yeah this is my number 😛 but I was just gonna have a lazy nite but I could always reschedule 2 c u 🙃

Maria 🔮🎀
Do you want me to send you the address to the club??? 😄

                                                  Austin 😍    I think I no where it is. A friend took me there once         but I'll text u if I need sum help finding it 😛😀

"Aww, I ship it already." I teased, sitting down so she could do my hair."There's nothing going on yet. Marustin is not a thing yet." She said, poking her tongue out as she grabbed her curler.
"I was thinking more of Austia, that sounds cooler." I told her.
"I'm just gonna do some small natural curly wave things." She smiled as she began on my hair.
"Okay, just don't burn my hair off." I joked.
"You're in the hands of someone who knows what their doing. There's nothing to worry about." She jokingly assured me.

After about twenty minutes she had finished my hair and it looked good.

"Wait, before we go. We need to take a picture." She smiled as she grabbed her phone as we began taking pictures in her mirror.
"We look bomb." I smiled, taking photos on mine.

°¯ᴥ¯° °¯ᴥ¯° °¯ᴥ¯° °¯ᴥ¯°
Authors Note

Okay, so I'm sorry for the delay in posting this and I know that this was more of a filler but Nick will be introduced in the next chapter.

Also, picture on side / top is what Cleo was wearing.

Check out my socials:
Twitter: moobearxoxo
Instagram: moobearxoxo

And that is PRETTYMUCH the second chapter :-)

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