Teacher ; Šįx

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Cleo Point of View:

"Okay, now sit down and tell me everything! And I mean everything!" Maria excitedly said, sitting down on the bar stool with her arms resting on the counter.
"I will, but I need a tea first." I smiled.
"Well, start telling me what happened after you started dancing with that guy while you make your tea." She smiled.

I turned the kettle on and got a mug from the cupboard.

"Okay, well his name is Nick and we went back to his place. And we may have done it that night." I told her.
"Oh my god! Look at you, getting it on with someone." She winked.
"Shut up!" I giggled as I grabbed a teabag. "Anyway, what happened with you and Austin then?"
"Well, after I saw you leave with Nick, I went back to the booth we were in and I remember just talking to him. I mean, we danced for a bit and he got his friend, something starting with an E or something to take us back as we were both too intoxicated to drive." She explained.
"Did anything juicy happen?" I smiled, taking a sip from my tea and sat down next to her.
"I mean, not that I remember. Was Nick good in bed?" She replied.
I almost spat my tea out. "What? Did you just ask what I think you asked?"
"Well, was he? Was he better than Luke?" She asked.
"Oh my god Maria, only you would ask that." I poked my tongue out. "But, if I'm being honest. Nick was better."
"Haha, also where did you get that hoodie? I've never seen you wear that." She questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"It's actually not mine, it's Nick's," I told her.
"Ooh girl, wearing your boy's clothes already." She laughed.
"I'll return it. Maybe. I don't know, it's nice. And comfy." I started babbling.
"See if he wants it back. If not, keep it. It's not like anyone is gonna knows." She smiled.
"Okay, I'll be back. I'm gonna take a shower." I told her as I finished my tea.
"Kay, I'll be here," Maria said as I walked towards my room.

I opened my wardrobe door and got some clothes to change into after showering. I grabbed my towel that was lying on the end of my bed and headed towards the shower.

I turned on the water and began to strip, throwing my hand into the dripping water to test the temperature. Once it was at a nice warm temperature, I stepped inside and closed the shower curtain.

I could see the marks left from Nick around my inner thigh area and no doubt there would have been some around my neck. Even though we only spent a night together, I could see Nick and I becoming friends at least. Maybe even something more.

•-• •–• •—•

The default iPhone alarm started to sound and my eyes slowly began to open. My hand reached out towards the bedside table and began to pat around until I felt my phone. I picked it up and stopped the alarm. I sat up in the bed before reluctantly throwing the quilt and sheets off of me.

It was currently six in the morning and the first day of my teaching job. I had two hours to get ready and I didn't want to be late on the first day, nobody wants that.

I made my way to the kitchen and began to make myself a fruit salad. While in the kitchen, I made a chicken sandwich and grabbed some snacks before packing them away in my lunchbox. I began to eat my salad and turned the tv on, which automatically began to play Today.

After I finished my fruit salad and watched a bit of Today, I decided to take a shower. I went back to my room and picked an appropriate outfit for today. I settled on my navy faded Adidas sweater, light indigo jeans and my teal Doc Martins.

I brought the clothes and my towels to the shower, I had a quick shower and then changed into my clothes. I applied some light and natural makeup before walking back to my room. I put my black watch on, slid my rings on my hand and a pink feather necklace. I took my hair towel off and blow dried my hair, straightening it once it was fully dry.

I grabbed my brown handbag and put my phone inside. I grabbed my lunchbox from the kitchen, turned off the tv and took my keys from the key hooks. I walked out of the house and unlocked my car. I chucked my bag into the passenger seat and hopped into the driver's seat. I began to drive to the school with Halsey singing in the background.

I arrived at the school ten minutes than expected, I drove my car into what seemed like the staff parking lot and grabbed my stuff before heading out towards the office.

I walked into the modern office and headed towards the desk near the entrance. A blonde woman who looked in her early thirties with black-rimmed glasses looked up and noticed me.

"Hello, I'm Amanda and I'm the receptionist." She introduced herself as she stood up and held her hand out.
"Hey, I'm Cleo and I'm the new art teacher here." I smiled, shaking her hand.
"Well, I hope you like it here and the staffroom is just down the corridor." Amanda smiled as she sat back down and began to neaten the stack of paper in front of her.
"Thank you." I smiled and headed down the corridor Amanda pointed to.

I heard a murmur of conversation as I walked closer and walked into the staffroom.

"Oh hello, you must be Cleo Roberts. I'm Valerie Andrews, principal of this wonderful school." A woman with curly, short, orange hair greeted me.
"Hello, yes I am. Lovely to meet you." I smiled.
"Feel free to grab something to eat and mingle with your co-workers." She said as we walked over to the couches.

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Authors Note

I know not much happened in the chapter but Nick will make an appearance in the next few chapters. You'll have to keep reading to find out. 😉

Also, if you notice any PRETTYMUCH lyrics, comment where they are and what song they're from and you'll get a dedication in the next chapter.

Check out my socials:
Twitter: MooBearxoxo
Instagram: MooBearxoxo

And that is PRETTYMUCH the sixth chapter :-)

Teacher ; Nick Mara (On Hold)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt