Teacher ; Thrëë

353 9 5

Cleo's Point of View

"ID's please ladies." The club bouncer sternly said, holding his hand out waiting to receive the ID's.

Maria and I gave him our drivers license which he inspected before he gave them back to us. He unclipped the rope and motioned for us to go inside. We walked inside and it was packed.

Bodies were dancing on the dance floor, people were drinking, eating and kissing in the booth seats, people were seated around the bar drinking whatever was in the glass and people were hanging around the bar games.

"Okay, I'm going to secure a booth and you can get the drinks." I told Maria.
"Anything in particular?" She asked.
"I would order a water but you'd tell me to loosen up and have fun, so whatever you're having." I told her.
"Just have fun, tonights about letting loose and having fun. Go have a one night stand with someone, I don't care. Just stop being so uptight." She smiled and walked off before I could say anything else.

I grabbed my phone from out my clutch and began scrolling through Instagram, when out of the corner of my eye I saw a random dude standing next to me. And he wasn't a great looked either.

"Do you want something?" I asked with my eyebrows raised and an unimpressed look on my face.
"Uhh, you wanna drink?" He slightly slurred.
"No, you can go now." I told him, focussing my attention on Instagram.
"You're a pretty lady." He drunkenly grinned and moved closer.
"Go away. Leave me alone!" I spoke.
"You're hot when your angry." He grinned and tried to sit next to me.
"Can you leave me alone?" I exclaimed, sliding further from him.
"I think the lady wants to be left alone." Someone with a cute New Jersey accent told him.
"No, she likes me." He slurred and giggled, trying to put his arm around me.

Suddenly, New Jersey accent boy grabbed the drunken idiot by the shirt and pulled him out of the seat.

He got up close to him and said, "The lady wants to be left alone, she's not interested in you."
"And what are you going to do about it, pretty boy?" The drunk asked with a stupid grin on his face.
"This." He smirked and punched him square in the face, making him gasp.

New Jersey let go of him and the drunk stumbled backwards. He seemed to get the idea and walked off. New Jersey shook his hand and walked closer to my booth.

"Are you okay?" He asked, resting his left arm on the booth divider.
"Yeah I'm fine. Thank you for getting rid of him." I replied, smiling as I tucked my hair behind my ear.
"No problem, I'm Nick by the way." He said, holding out his hand.
"Cleo." I told him, shaking his hand.
"A name as beautiful as the face." He smiled as he kissed my hand, making me blush.
"Thanks, you're quite handsome yourself." I blushed.
"The pleasure is mine. Well, I'm going to go join my friends but hopefully I'll see you later in the night." He winked as he walked off.

Just as he was walking off, Maria came back with drinks and a guy.

"Cleo, this is Austin. Austin, this is Cleo." Maria introduced as she sat down next to Austin in the booth.
"Hi, nice to meet you." He smiled, pushing his hair back from his face and held out his hand.
"Nice to meet you to." I said, shaking hands with him.
"So, now that you've introduced yourself. I've got some shots, can't remember what they were but the bartender recommended these so I just went with it." She laughed as she grabbed one.

Austin and I also grabbed one.

"Cheers to letting loose tonight." Maria grinned as we clinked glasses and downed them.

Downing one, led to downing two, three, four until we couldn't count them anymore. Maria was already drunk and went to get more, Austin seemed to just near the tipsy point whereas I just reached being drunk.

The song soon changed over and Maria came running, as best as she could, back over to us.

"Cleooo, this is our song in middle school. Come and dance with meeeee!" She shouted, grabbing my hands and pulling me up.
"I'll be back, she needs to hook up with someone." She assured Austin.
"One more drink." I told her as I downed another shot before heading to the dance floor with her.

She dragged me to the dance floor and it was the song Milkshake. We began doing our stuff and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Nick with his friends. I saw him smile at me and I looked away, I dragged Maria closer to where the boys were but not too close. I saw Nick move closer to me, so I 'accidentally' brushed my butt against his leg and continued dancing, I saw him smirk and felt his hand brush against my butt.

I felt his hand then rest on my bum, so I then decided to up it a bit so I began moving my shoulders so occasionally my breasts would touch his arm. He began groaning and I could see him smiling, and trying to get closer. I smiled back and continued to do my thing. I let my hands drop by my side so they would touch his every so often.

"If I pulled you closer, would you mind?" He smirked.
"I wouldn't mind." I smiled as he pulled me closer to him.

My butt was positioned directly in front of his crotch and my arm was wrapped around his neck.

"If my hands get lower when we grind, would you mind?" He asked, lowering his hands.
"Nope." I said, my breath hitching when his hands stopped in front of my crotch.

We continued grinding until he whispered in my ear. "Wanna go back to mine?"

Being drunk, of course, I agreed.

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Authors Note

Well, hope you enjoyed that chapter. Nick got introduced and Austin as well. Also, casually slid a couple lyrics into the chapter, if you notice them you're a legend 😜. Milkshake will be linked at the side/top so feel free to watch it while reading the chapter.

Also, if you notice any PRETTYMUCH lyrics, comment where they are and what song they're from and you'll get a dedication in the next chapter.

Check out my socials:
Twitter: MooBearxoxo
Instagram: MooBearxoxo

And that is PRETTYMUCH the third chapter :-)

Teacher ; Nick Mara (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now