chapter 41

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Tessas pov

i decided ill fix everything starting off visiting my mam and sisters.i looked at my phone booked the first pane to tenesee ( i forgot tbh :d) i ran home not talking to anyone i ran to my rom packed my stuff when i heard a knock

A- hey you ok?

i ran and hugged anthony

T- im sorry

he hugged back

A- tessa its ok i undertsand lets just forget about it :)

i smiled

T- bromanssss!!!!

he laughed and i laughed at least i fixed this whihc made it easier

T- so were cool

A- were cool monkey nut

T- omg i cant believe you stil remeber that!!1

A- i know monkey nut

T- stop!!!!!!!

he laughed and left. i smiled. i packed and finally finished. It would hurt saying goodbye to my closest so i wrote letters to each one and left them in their rooms since all of them were at the roof.I ran out and got a taxi and went to the airport.

//////15HOURS LATER//////

i finally landed i was so stressed even thinking about it made my stomach turn around.I arrived at the house i looked at it took a deep breath i went inside the gate.i ran the doorbell.The door opened...

C- TESSA!!!!


she huged me and started crying i started crying when she did we huged really tight then she pulled back

C-i missed you so much!

T- me too

i smiled

C- come in!

i smiled and tears dropped down on my face

( guys i totally forgot tessa's sisters names like sorry so im making them up)

C- aoife!Emma!

A- y- TESSA!


both of them ran up to me we hugged and then my mam came after 3 hours we ate laughed together then my sisters went shopping but i wanted to talk to my mam.

T-hey mam.....

C-yes sweety?

T-can i ask you something?

C- anything

T- d-did u have any news on....m-michael

then my mams smile dropped

C- h-he went to j-jail

her voice shaking i hugged my mam

T- theres also one thing

C- about?

T-this boy

C- OMG TESSA! go on!

T. so ill tell you from the start....

C- yep

T-so when i joined team 10 i had a crush on chance and he startred liking me too and we dated for around 2 months and then we fake married for views and jake and erika pretended they were together then they 'broke up' and martinez twins joined team 10 me and emilio started hanging out instead of me and chance and chance got jelous and broke up with me and then i started have feelings for emilio and he asked me out we were really happy until chance came back he always kissed me and once he kidnapped me hit emilio

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