Chapter 6 - Everything Okay?

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Yes, i'm still here. Didn't run away or kill myself. I'm still in my bed, crying. My father did not knock on my door to ask if I was okay once. It was almost as if he didn't care, or he didn't know how to care, because he was distant from both me and my mother. Anyway, I didn't need him to come, because I would not have told him how I felt. It would have just been this awkward tension between us, no matter what. But at least I would see that he was trying, which he never did. I was just in my room, covered up in my bed sheets, when Alex called. "Need a ride to school today as well?"he asked. "No...I'm not going to school today. I just have a slight cold, nothing to worry about Alex, really" I said, trying to hide the fact that I was crying aggressively. "I know you're crying, Erica. I'm on my way to your house right now". Alex was literally the last person I wanted in my house right now. In fact, I wanted to just be alone, deep in my own self destructive thoughts. I really shouldn't have answered his call, but it was like a reflex action. Whenever i saw Alex text or call, I answered. I knew he would take some time to get to my house, because he literally lived on planet mars, so I mentally prepared myself for what I was going to tell my father, and then I got the sexiest pair of underwear I had in my closet out. I knew there was no way I was losing my virginity the day after my mother died, but just in case I built up the strength or something. Besides, I looked like a mess, and Alex was not going to show up at my house with me looking that way. Immediately I finished putting on my shirt I heard the doorbell. I literally leaped out of my room to answer the door before my dad did, but I was too late. Why was Alex so early? Anyway, Immediately my dad opened the door, Alex wasted no time to introduce himself. He was holding flowers and chocolate. I started smelling my dead body again. "Good morning sir, my name is Alex, and I came to see Erica. We're friends" he said, sounding like he was reading a script. "Ok, so what makes you think you can show up at my house uninvited". "I invited him, daddy, he was worried about me so I told him that he could come here and stay with me. Nobody is here to comfort me so I have to invite people to do what you are not doing" I said, guilt tripping him. There was no way that he could tell Alex to leave now, unless he was prepared to skip work and stay with me in my room all day. "Very well, I am off to work, and after that I will be going to Nigeria for about two weeks for work, so no nonsense or foul play, because I will find out one way or the other". I felt just a little bit of guilt, because I was using our lack of closeness against him. But he didn't try consoling me, so he deserved it. I was also a bit worried about his safety, because if my mother did not die by accident, my father might be the next victim. But I did not care to show my affection towards him. As soon as I shut the door behind my father, I just broke down on Alex's chest. He was significantly taller than me, so my head perfectly rested on the bottom part of his chest, soiling his shirt with tears. He smell glorious, as per usual. "Erica....Erica please stop crying. Okay, lets go up to your room and we'll talk about it" he said. I was not even listening to what he was saying, he just hugged me tightly and carried me to my room. Even though i was 10 feet deep in sadness, I was shocked. I had no idea he was that strong, and though I was not fat, I was quite heavy to carry. My room was open, so it was easy for him to tell that was mine before he went inside.

"Talk to me Erica. I hate seeing you like this. Just talk to me" he said, with his twinkling blue eyes agreeing with his mood. " mother is dead" I said, and I cried more profusely after that. I didn't even need to tell Alex not to say anything. He just sat there and hugged me as tight as ever. He started turning red, and I started seeing a little bit of tears fall down his beautiful face, but he stayed quiet, which just made me cry even more. Immediately Alex noticed this, he started looking around my room, as though he was looking for tissues, and once he couldn't find any, he took off his shirt and used it to wipe my face. He was wearing nothing under. "There. All better? Come here". He hugged me again, no shirt and all. I felt each tone and contour in his abs. Was he doing this on purpose? Anyway, after the whole saga was over, I just placed my head on his lap while eating the chocolates he bought me. "Let me put the flowers in some water for you"he said, while i just sat on my bed and watched him do it. As he stood up, I noticed a very prominent imprint in his crotch area, which looked like he had an erection. I was going to page him about it but I did not really feel the need to, and I could tell he was embarrassed. Nevertheless it was gravely uncomfortable, so I needed some conversation to distract me. "Alex, aren't you gonna go to school? you'll be late". "School? definitely not with you in this state. I'm staying with you". It was kind of alarming how many classes Alex missed, and I did not want to be the reason he would fail the grade and have to repeat. But I knew that if I tried negotiating it with him, he would still stay, so it was of no use. "I'll be right back, I have a surprise for you" and after that, Alex went to his car and got out the most expensive bottle of vodka I had ever seen. He came back upstairs looking unusually excited. " Lets get fucked up Erica. Are you in?" he asked, with that sexy smirk again. I had never had a drop of alcohol in my life, but I knew that if I passed up this opportunity, Alex would just be drinking on his own, and his drunkenness would just annoy me, so I wasted no time in throwing back the shots of vodka, while we talked about the most random stuff. All of a sudden I got an unwarranted text from Genie. "Hey, you didn't come to school, you alright?" she asked. I was honestly having too much fun with Alex to reply to her, so I just forgot about it and continued having fun with Alex. We were beyond tipsy at this point, because we had consumed a couple shots of vodka, which meant that we were getting more flirty and touchy, because as they say, you unknowingly expose your true colours when you're drunk. Surprised? yeah, me too. I always wondered what that bottle stationed in his compartment was. Anyway, Alex took so many shots, about 10 to be exact, and he was about 60% conscious. Me on the other hand? I was completely wasted from from the same 10, although I felt like I was doing well, because I have heard about a million and one horror stories about peoples first time drinking alcohol and they completely passed out from 5. "Shit, i'm so wasted Alex, I shouldn't have had so many shots!" I exclaimed, with a laugh so ridiculous you could tell I was completely out of my mind. Alex was not laughing as hard as I was, and he looked slightly concerned. "Erica, you shouldn't have had so many..." and before he could finish his sentence, I fell on him and our lips touched. We didn't say anything after that, and we just kept them together for a long time, about 2 minutes. Lip touching turned into kissing, and kissing turned into making out, which I enjoyed, until it got heated to the point where Alex's hand moved from my chin and slowly gravitated to my left breast.
Immediately he did that, all traces of drunkenness immediately cleared from my eyes, and I was fully conscious. "The fuck are you doing, mate? get off!" I said, pushing him away from me. "I'm sorry....I just" and before he could finish his sentence, I interrupted him. "I what? Oh so that was your plan from the beginning innit? so you could get me drunk enough to have sex with me at my lowest point". I was screaming at the top of my lungs at this point. I was so infuriated that I threw his shirt at him and pointed to the door. "Get out, Alex. Just go. I'm really mad at you. I might not be tomorrow. I can never stay mad at you. But I could kill you right now. Go please". "I'm sorry....I'm really sorry. fuck mate, what is wrong with me?" he said as he walked out of the door with his head down. I didn't want to do that. But I knew that if I didn't, I would get tempted and ultimately lose my virginity, which I was not emotionally prepared for. I knew that he was just trying to make me happy and make me forget about recent events, but he didn't go about it the right way.

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