Chapter 13 - Its whatever

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I did not say anything to Genie after the incident. Immediately she told me she had induced cancer to herself to keep Alex, I took it upon myself to go and alert Alex on recent events. I almost blamed myself for Genies predicament; but it was not my fault that she was mentally ill, and neither was it my fault that Alex fell in love with me. Either way, before that, I had to make sure that Genie was home safe so that she did not make herself worse. When she showed the cab we were in the directions of her house and we arrived there, I was completely shocked. Her house looked like a worn out 1960s style bungalow, with barely any windows. She looked mortified, because she could tell from my facial expression that the way she looked, in no way, shape or form, matched what I was beholding. "I'll see you tomorrow. Don't do anything stupid for a boy ever again" I said to her, smiling. She did not say anything. She literally just got out of the car and booked it to the entrance. I just shrugged and directed the cab to the jail where Alex was at so I could break the scary news to him.

"What the fuck? Shit. What did I get myself into?" Said Alex, turning to me. You could tell that he was completely shaken by the whole ordeal. "I knew she was mentally ill but I swear, I never imagined it to be this fucking bad. Alex, you okay mate?" I said, looking at him. He looked like he was about to release a river of uncontrollable tears. He was an easy crier and a soft individual, unlike Oliver, with his on and off masculinity, though I had never seen him close to shedding a tear. "And she had such amazing hair man. I almost feel like I'm obliged to be with her. She's fucking crazy. It's so fucking annoying when you're the one I really want to be with..." and I paused. I wanted to say that I wanted him and needed him in my life, but I could have been talking to my mothers killer, so I kept my calm. "I have to go now..." and he interrupted me. "I don't deserve you, Erica. I know I don't. I know Oliver is more masculine and things but I love you more than he would ever be able to. I did not kill your mother. I'd rather hang myself than hurt you Erica" he said. "Then why are you in here?" I asked, in anger. "I don't fucking know Erica. I need you and Oliver's help to get me the fuck out of here". "I'll see what I can do. Bye for now Alex" I said, taking my leave. It was the hardest thing I had ever had to do. Walking away from Alex was depressing and hurtful; but I saw no better avenue. For that moment, I counted him as a convicted killer, taking all his words with a grain of salt.

I went home and met Oliver just sitting there, smoking a cigar. When he saw me, he looked at me in the most sexual way possible. He was wearing a tight shirt and joggers, showing me how endowed he was down there. "What are you doing here Olly?" I said, with a smirk on my face, dropping my school bag on the floor. "Not happy to see me are you princess?" He said, dropping his cigar in the ash tray next to it, He came over to me and grabbed me by the waist, caressing me from top to bottom, with his big, muscular hands going up my skirt, grasping my butt. "What are you doing Olly?" I said, smiling. "Something we have wanted to do for a long time. You need a stress reliever. Now don't hold back, beautiful" he said, as we started making out. I let it happen. I needed it. I deserved it. He carried me with his muscular, built arms as he kept on making out with me. He Carried me up to my room and locked the door behind him. He undressed me and I did this same for him. We proceeded into intense fore play and I was completely hot. There was something sexually powerful in Oliver that I did not feel with Alex. Alex was soft and considerate with all my soft spots, which was okay and all, but I needed Dominance. Power. Energy. Oliver gave me just that. We continued foreplay until it got boring. "Put it inside me Oliver" I said under my breath. Oliver did not even argue like he did the last time. We did it. I lost my virginity to my lovers elder brother. It was intense yet painful. It was like heaven and hell had conversed and had a baby. Through out the whole time we were having sex, like actual penetration sex, I kept on feeling a little bad for fucking the brother of the boy that had recently professed his love to me, but that was on him. He was a lier and had been emotionally opaque before, lying to me about just about everything. Oliver was a retreat. He gave me what I wanted, just when I wanted it. It felt so wrong, yet so fucking right. He was like a superman without the cap and funky hair. We did it in every position on a late afternoon, and he came about three times; and so did I. No condom, no asking for STDs. Nothing. We just kept on fucking. Most girls had a horrible experience losing their virginity, but mine felt like a smooth, yet rough transition into the land of orgasms and climax. Oliver was big. And when I say big, I mean, big. The myth of white men having small cocks had literally been debunked due to this man. Some black men did not have half of what Oliver had in his trousers. I couldn't even believe that all of that fit into my tiny vagina.

"You alright?" Said Oliver, teasing me, because he could see that I was still shivering from the authenticity and beauty of his cock. "Fuck you Oliver" I said, laughing. He went downstairs and rolled himself an expensive smelling blend of marijuana and lit it, smoking it as he came upstairs. "You can literally have my Dick at anytime you want. All you have to do is ask" Said Oliver. This prick was literally so stuck up -I loved it. I pushed him and laughed, but I took that seriously. Anytime I needed his penis, I would literally call his number up in a heartbeat. "Want to try some?" He asked, pointing at the marijuana. I took it like a man and inhaled a bit. It was hell and it felt like my insides were dying. "Fucking pussy" said Oliver, teasing me yet again. "My lungs aren't used to getting abused" I said, with a sinister smirk on my face. I could be cheeky too. For the rest of the day, we just sat on my bed, making the most random jokes and laughing at how we both reacted during sex. "You were literally panting your fucking self out after you thought you were brave enough to take this monster cock" Said Oliver. "Oh fuck you Oliver, prick. I'll cut your cock off one day and then let's see what you'll do about it" I said, laughing. "By the way, what ever happened to Emily? Wasn't she your girl?" I asked, perplexed. "Nah man. I got rid of that shit as soon as I saw your booty!" He said, laughing historically. You could tell he was high. "As always. Fucking prick" I said, laughing even more hysterically. All of a sudden, I went on top of him, wanting to start round 2, when the door bell rang. "Are we expecting anyone Olly?" I asked Oliver, and he shook his head. "Wait here and take cover. I'll go see who the fuck is downstairs" he said, grabbing his gun from his back pocket. As he opened the door, he started laughing hysterically. "What the fuck mate! YOURE BALD! OH MY DAYS! HAHAHAHAHA" he said, laughing
continuously. I rushed downstairs. It was Genie, and looked even more pale. It was about 7pm on a Wednesday night at this point, and I only saw her a few hours ago. "Now that's not nice Olly. She has cancer" I said, with compassion that she honestly did not deserve. "Yeah, that she injected in herself! This bitch is absolutely crazy! Fuck mate!" Said Oliver, still laughing. I held Genies hand. "What do you need dear?" I asked her. "Can I come in? I need to talk to you" She said. I let her in and made her comfortable. "I'm sorry Erica. I'm sorry". "Sorry for what Genie?" I asked. "Everything. I can't tell you now, but I'm just sorry. You deserved a real friend, and I just betrayed you completely. Even despite that, you were the only person who did not make fun of me in this state. Forgive me Erica. Forgive me" She said. She did not even let me or Oliver talk. She just stood up and left. I called her name multiple times, but she was gone with the wind. I sat there crying, feeling bad for her. "Don't feel bad for her, she did that to herself. And thing of all the horrible things she did to you" said Oliver, completely livid that I was even feeling bad for her. I said nothing. I just stood up and started making out with Oliver, and he took me upstairs as we completed round 2.

It was the next day, Thursday. I stood up and got ready for school. I went outside and Oliver was there with his car, ready to take me to school. When we got to school, Oliver kissed me on my cheek and I sped walked to my first class - business, which Oliver also had. It was evident that the word spread about Alex and my father being in jail, because I could hear people bickering about it on my way to class. When I got to class, Genie was not in class today, and on her chair lied a sketchy note with horrible handwriting on it. "Genie is gone. Dead. You're next sweety xo. Alex and your father will rot in jail, if not hell, after they die"it read. I literally shivered in my seat and passed it over to Oliver, who afterwards proceeded to  come and sit next to me. He said nothing, and he just grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly, then whispered in my ears. "Nothing will happen to you as long as I'm alive, Erica" he said, and I believed him. I immediately calmed down and continued my school work. When school finished, I went in Oliver's car with the intention of going home, and we did. When we got home, with did another intensely sweet and sour round of sex. Afterwards, Oliver's phone rang, and he answered it. "Fuck" he said, as he cut the call, looking at me. "What is it Olly?" I asked, concerned. "Erica....Alex and you father..." "Alex and my father what???" I asked. "They have been put on death row, and unless we get a lawyer to fight their case, they will stay on that list....permanently." I completely broke down. I stood up from my bed and started throwing things around, and kept on fist punching the wall until my knuckles started bleeding, then Oliver intervened. He grabbed my hand and cleaned off the blood with his black jumper. "Erica, we need to act fast in finding this killer. Me and Alex are not the best of friends but he's my blood brother....and your father...." and Oliver broke into tears. It was he first time that I had ever seen him shed tears on Alex's case, proving to me that there was a small ounce of love there that he still had for his brother, Alex. I could tell that Oliver felt helpless. Oliver's crying just made mine more intense, and eventually he wiped his tears dry so he could wipe mine and assure me that everything would be okay. For the first time, I could not believe that.

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