Chapter 18 - Always around

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It was Alex. He had followed me subliminally all the way from school to the building. In that moment, all I could think about was how traumatised I was. All I could picture in my mind was how painful that dildo was. How she got on top of me and did as she wished, like I was an animal. Like I was an object. I felt completely helpless; a feeling that I had not felt in two months since my mother got murdered. I wanted nothing more than to get shot in that moment. I did not see anything that would have rectified the situation. All of a sudden, Alex shook me. He was not crying like he always did, but it was that type of feeling of complete shame and disappointment, as though he owed me something. "I'm so sorry this happened to you, Er" he said, giving me a nickname for the very first time. It warmed my aching heart. "You didn't do anything wrong. Thank you for saving me, even though following me was the dodgiest thing you've ever done. I.." and just before I could finish my sentence, I became light headed, and I noticed that Alex was looking t the bottom half of me. "You're bleeding Er. Really bad.." and I became so light headed that I passed out completely.

I woke up in a room with both Alex and a strange white man who was supposed to be the doctor. "She lost a lot of blood. She's being put on a drip right now so she can regain consciousness. She will be okay. You're very lucky you brought her here on time. She could have bled to death". Alex looked completely perplexed, and tried to act as calm as possible. "Thank you doctor. Could you give us some alone time?" He asked, and the doctor politely agreed. As he came towards me I opened my eyes, and he leaned in to hug me. "ERICA! YOU'RE OKAY!" He said. "Of course I'm okay. When have I not been?" I Said, as I gave him a quick smirk. "I love you so much Erica..." he said as he went in to make out with me. His lips were sweet tasting, like cherry or something. We made out passionately, like our life depended on it. My hand made my way to Alex's shirt to unbutton it, and he pulled back slightly. "I don't think we should do this in the fucking hospital. You're weak" he said, looking utterly concerned. "It's okay to admit that you're too scared to take me, right here, right now". Immediately I said that, he shut me up with his lips, and I proceeded to continue unbuttoning his shirt. He took off my shirt and my bra, and groped them while he continued to aggressively press his lips against mine. He started making his way to my underwear, and started to lightly, if barely stroke my clitoris. "The fuck you doing mate?" I said, wondering why he was going so soft. "I don't want to rip anything" he said, and I clipped his lips made a gesture that obviously gave him the go ahead. He started to really get home aroused. Alex made a very interesting facial expression wen he was turned on, and that made me all the more excited. I would love to explain what happened after that, but the moment was so intense that I would never be able to describe it if I knew all the words. It was one of pure love. When I had sex with Oliver, there were( seemingly) no mutual feelings of love between us. It was pure lust after each other's bodies, though Oliver had told me he loved me. I know, I'm a thirsty bitch for getting it down on a hospital bed, but I needed something, someone, to take away the memories of my time with Genie. Though I knew it would not go away that easily, there was somebody there to cloud and blur it.

I stayed in the hospital for about 2 days, and after I was let out, the first person I saw was Oliver. I wanted nothing more than to burst into tears and hug him, but I knew that he did not remember me. Alex was beside him, holding his hand because he was still limping. "Who's she?" Said Oliver. "Her name is Erica. She's 17 years old, Nigerian?" He said, trying to jog his memory, but I was not working. "I don't know an Erica, bruv. She's really good looking though" he said. That's sent absolute tingles down my spine. To think that memory loss could be so bad that he could look me in the eyes and not remember all that transpired between us was mind boggling. His beautiful blue eyes had turned to a magnificent green, and could not even connect with mine anymore. I held what felt like a mountain of tears back. "Hi, I'm Erica, nice to meet you. You must be Olly. I mean Oliver" I said. "Yeah I'm Oliver Connor, and my brother here claims I know you. Hope there's no misunderstanding" he said as he walked off back into the car, limping on his own. "I'm sorry Erica. I thought that when he looked at your eyes he would remember you in a heartbeat. I'm sorry Erica...I'm sorry" he said, hugging me. "It okay. Can't bring him back right? It's okay. It will all be okay" I Said, looking down so he would not see my eyes watering. "You need a ride babes?" He said, putting my head up. "Oh Shit. You're crying. Stop crying, Er. Stop crying" he said as he held he close to his chest, and pecked my forehead. I let out all the pain I had felt in the last two days on Alex. All the trauma, disappointment and shame rested in his chest, and I felt right.

When I went to school the next day, I discovered that Emily was not there. I had that horrible feeling all the way to my knees that she had died, because the last time I saw her, she was completely pale. If she died, then it would prove the whole theory of people dying after they tell me the truth right. I swallowed my saliva and went into class. To my horror, she was not there. It was an empty seat, next to Ryan, her current boyfriend. He looked completely sad. I looked around, and the whole class had their head down. I knew exactly what was happening. I sat down. "Unfortunately, Emily will not be joining us today, because she has passed away. Memorial for her locker will be open tomorrow. No sure cause of death" Said the teacher, as she bowed down her hair and started to cry. Emily was not a friend of mine at all, but hearing her die was a wake up call. Oliver told me the truth and he got into an accident and lost his memory. Genie got into an accident and she died and turned into this evil spirit type person. Emily told me the truth and she died. Who was next? I became very conscious about my surroundings and where I went. Even who I talked to. I did not want to put anyone or myself in jeopardy. When class was over, I ran to the bathroom stall to let out a load of tears. Emily was dead. She did not deserve to die, despite the fact that she tried to kill me. On my way out, Alex offered me a ride home, and I obliged.

"That's bullshit" he said, as I told him the story. "There's no such thing as that. You're paranoid babes" he said, kissing my cheek. "I mean it, Alex" I said, and he did not reply to me. It was obvious that he knew what I was talking about, but was brushing it off in fear that he would die as well, which was understandable. I needed Alex around me at this time, because there was nobody else to comfort and hold me. Oliver was usually the one; but he could not even remember me.

When we got to my house, the door was wide open, with footprints leading into it. I thought that my father just came from a drunk afternoon with his friends, because that was a ritual activity for him. I thought nothing of it. But when I opened the living room door, I got so sick to my stomach that I vomited all over the floor. It was my father. He had not only been murdered in cold blood, but had been cut open with a little bit of his heart on show. He was naked, with one of his many women that he brought home; Juliana Olevic. She was also murdered. I continued to throw up all over the floor. I was so sick to my stomach looking at what had just happened. It had dawned on me. I was an orphan. This killer had gotten both of my parents dead. I had never hurt a soul in the world, and I was too nice to the world for it to be ugly and horrible back to me. I cried so much that I couldn't even cry anymore. There was a not net to his body written in blood, and it said "your father helped me to kill your mother and now he is paying the price for his sins". I went cold. MY FATHER HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH THIS! It was no wonder that immediately my mother died, he rejoiced, sticking his penis in every hole he could find. He would always tell me that he was a man of God, and I should emulate him. He was wrong! I could not take it anymore. I went into the kitchen and took the sharpest knife I could find, and I was about to stab myself, when Alex held me. "No no no Erica. No. You do not need to do this. Please Erica. Please" he said as he took the knife and looked at me straight in the eye. "I'm alone, I have nobody" I said, sobbing on his chest. "You have me. I will never let any harm come to you for as long as I live" he said, holding my face. He called the police and not too long after, they arrived. They stuffed their bodies in bags like garbage, claiming that it was for "testing and evidence". I would have punched the shit out of them if I was not so depressed. We stayed back even after they took the bodies, because I simply could not handle it.

The night of that day, I was at Alex's house, because Alex insisted that the house was completely dangerous for me to me in. He took me to the lake, where I could cool off. "I'm sorry this is happening to you, Er. I feel like shit" he said, leaning in to me. "It's not your fault Alex" I said, As I pressed my lips against his. I was so thankful that he was there for me, but at the same time, the thought of my father, Juliana and Oliver clouded my mind. Juliana was sent by Genie. Could it be possible that she was sent by "the voice" to kill my father but failed at that mission? Was "the voice" even real? It was all so confusing. I felt my head pound, like my heart. Oliver still did not remember me. It hurt me so bad that the person that had been constantly there for me could not even remember it. At the same time, I felt completely selfish for wanting both brothers to serve my selfish needs. I went into the guest room and bowed down my head to pray for the first time in 2 months. "God, what is this happening to me? God, please help me. Forgive me my sins. I want to live a normal life again. Will you help me? I hope my parents are resting in perfect peace. Please tell me they are. I hope you're watching over me, because I need you. Show me that you're there. Give me a sign. Something. Anything. In Jesus name I pray, Amen."

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