Chapter 15 - Silent killer

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I was completely frightened. I waited for what felt like a decade for the ambulance to come and rescue Oliver. He was bleeding profusely and I could not do anything about it but try to block the wound with my bare hands, which was both unsanitary and pointless. I waited for about 5 minutes, then the ambulance arrived. "How did he get shot" asked the inspector that came with the ambulance. "That....that bitch, Emily. She was trying to shoot her...and...I....blocked it"Said Oliver, gasping for breath. "Get him on the stretcher and try to stop the bleeding, let me talk to the girl" Said the inspector. "No I want to go with him, Make sure he's okay" I said, agitated. "He will be fine. We will go to visit him later. Come with me" Said the inspector. I watched them wheel Oliver into the back of the truck and they sped off. I was sitting opposite the inspector in Emily's room, which was the only room we could comfortably sit in without tampering with a crime scene. He was a white Male, about 50 years of age. "Now dear, tell me everything that happened in detail, from when you arrived to the shooting" Said the Inspector. "Well, we arrived to Emily's house for the 'posh' party she invited us to. So Oliver, the guy that got shot, had a brief little relationship with her that he claimed he ended. So we got into her house and everyone was wasted so I thought, won't be bad to down some shots innit? So I was downing shots back and back and back yeh, and so was Oliver. So we got completely wasted and started touching on each other and kissing each other passionately, when all of a sudden a boy that I like pops up and I thought he was real yeh. So I say "I'm sorry" and started telling this guy that I fucked Oliver and lost my virginity to him and I'm sorry without realising that he isn't actually there. So Oliver taps me and he's like nobody is there and I'm like the fuck are you on about. So everyone's bickering and stuff and all of a sudden I hear Emily shouting about how she's gonna kill me like she killed my mother and another girl called Genie. She pulls the trigger and Oliver blocked it and he got his arm shot. She ran away after" I said, speedily. The inspector just kept on jotting down the words I was saying and took about 10 minutes to speak again. "How old are you?" He said, because he knew that 18 was the legal age to actually drink. "I'm 17, sir. BUT OLIVER IS 20 so technically I was accompanied by an adult. I drank wine. No issue here" I said, sweating bullocks at this point. "We will look into that later. Thank you for your time" he said as he stood up, ready to leave. "Need a ride love?" He said, grinning. I just went in his car, that was surprisingly just a few blocks away.

"So your mother died and after that a friend of yours also died?" He asked. "Yes. Mother allegedly got struck in the head and strangled, from what her body looked like. Genie induced cancer to herself to keep a man, and eventually died of that I'm guessing". "How old was Genie?" He asked eagerly. "17, but that has nothing to do with the case at hand now" I said, confused. It was very peculiar that he even wanted to know all this information. I shrugged him off each time he wanted to inquire about those type of things. We arrived at the hospital. We rushed into the hospital to inquire about Oliver. "He's still losing some blood and but he's responding to treatment okay. He needs rest. You can't see him now" Said the doctor. "I have to see him now. I HAVE TO SEE HIM NOW!" I screamed, hoping that the technique Oliver used to get everything would work with me. It did not. They escorted me out of the premises. I guess it only worked for white people. I sat outside the hospital, weeping. Suddenly a pair of shoes appeared next to mine, and when I looked up, it was Alex. " did you..." and he interrupted me. "I'll explain later, get in the car before anyone sees me" He said, whispering. I got in his car and he drove immediately.

"I snuck out and bribed the jailer, Incase you were wondering" he said, smirking. "Did you see Oliver? How's he doing?" He asked. "They didn't let me see him. But from what the doctor told me, he's doing pretty well. How did you know?" I asked. "Us connors can sense when another Connor is in trouble. Also known as news spreading fast as shit" he said, laughing. "Don't worry, he'll be alright. He's a strong lad" he said as he kept on driving. "Where are you taking me Alex?" I said angrily. "To your house babes" he said, caressing my thighs with his right hand and driving with his left. It was a long time since I had touched Alex and vice versa, so it felt very new and awkward. When we got to my house, I opened the door by myself and opened the door to my house. Alex followed behind me.  "I've missed you so fucking much Erica" he said as he reached out for my waist to kiss me. He kissed me and it felt so wrong, yet right. It was as though I was kissing cocaine; good at the moment but horrible in the long run. He noticed that I kept on resisting. "Whats wrong?" He said, slightly angry. I just shook my head and sat down.  He sat down next to me and held my hand. "You're still doubtful of me, and I get it. I'll prove to you that you can trust me again" he said, kissing my hand. "Me and Olly found you and my dad one of the best lawyers by the way" I said. "Thank you for helping me Erica" he said, kissing my cheek. He decided that hermit would be a good idea to turn on the TV to ease both our nerves. When he turned it on, it was on the news, and it was the worst thing you could imagine. "20 year old boy from London, identified as Oliver Connor was shot on his arm at a party trying to protect his 17 year old alleged girlfriend Erica Olufemi, sources tell us. The shooter was identified as Emily Browning, also from London. Allegedly she was planning on shooting Erica because she was still infatuated with Oliver Connor. Watch this clip just seconds before the shooting". The clip played showed me and Oliver kissing on each other and me pulling back and hallucinating to myself. Alex looked furious. He looked like he was about to pop open, judging by his flushed, red colour. "Sources tell us that Oliver is now in hospital receiving medical treatment and they are trying to catch Emily, who is still on the run" Said the news caster. Alex turned to me. "Care to explain?" He said, completely disappointed. "We have a few drinks and we were dead drunk and he brought me there so it got heated and we were kissing. It's no big deal" I said, frightened. "So do you want to explain this?" He said, reaching in his pocket and bringing out my underwear, the same underwear I wore when me and Alex first touched. "Found this in Oliver's room. It was drenched in cum" he said, surprisingly calmly. "Alex, please don't freak out if I tell you this". "Depends" Said Alex. "Me and Oliver have been fucking for the past week or so. He took my virginity" I said, looking down. "YOU FUCKED MY BROTHER INNIT? HOW MANY TIMES THIS WEEK?" He asked, screaming at this point. "Lost count" I said, still looking down. "So you shagged my brother more times that you can remember. That's what you're telling me" Said Alex. I nodded. "Wow, you're such a fucking snake. I came out of jail to see you and this is how you welcome me" He said. "You don't own me, Oliver. I do what I want and when I want!" I exclaimed, standing my ground. "Did you just mistake my name with Oliver's? FUCK YOU ERICA" he said, displeased. " I guess now you know how it feels to be betrayed. Get out of my house" I said, pointing to the door. "Fuckin whore. Burn in hell you bitch" he said, looking back at me as he was leaving. I felt no remorse. He made me want to have Oliver inside me again.

About a week passed and I did not get any call from the hospital that Oliver was at least okay, so I decided to go and see for myself. I took the cab to the hospital. When I got there, they recognised me from last time and took me to the ward that Oliver was in. I sat down in front of the wars and waited for the person seeing him to leave, when all of a sudden I started hearing something. "You were supposed to kill her, not catch feelings for her" Said the unknown voice. "She grew on me. I couldn't do it. I took the job from my father because he thinks I'm gay, so I can't catch feelings for a girl" Said Oliver. "You're running out of time, Oliver. You either kill her or I kill you" Said the unknown voice. That voice was super raspy and hard to identify. "I thought the whole point of killing her is so Alex can have his head glued on straight and she wouldn't find you?" Said Oliver. "Stop helping her find me. Your time is limited Oliver. Kill. Her." Said he voice. "No" Said Oliver. I could not hear any more of it. I barged in and saw nobody but Oliver. "Oliver what the fuck? I heard everything. WHAT THE FUCK? So your plan from the start was to kill me?" I said, shedding tears. "Erica I can explain..." and I interrupted him. "Bullocks. WHO WERE YOU TALKING TO?" I said, screaming. "I can't tell you right now. If I do I'm putting your life in danger" Said Oliver. "You're just like Alex. Conniving, evil and slick. I have no idea why I trusted you. You were right. Never trust a Connor" I said, walking out. "ERICA,PLEASE! COME BACK...." I drowned out the sounds of his shouting with my crying. I was completely done with the Connor brothers. All they did was put me in trouble and take advantage of me. Genie was sadly right about them. They were no good and I had no idea why I gave them a chance. That was all I was thinking when all of a sudden, Oliver came charging towards me, even though he was no fully recovered. "Erica. Let me explain" he said, panting. "Go on" I Said, cleaning my tears. "The voice I was talking to....that voice killed your mother and Corrupted Genies mind to induce cancer on herself. That voice also shot Genies leg and drained the blood from Joe's body the day after I killed him. The voice was also the one that made me sexually harass girls to prove my masculinity and also gave me the idea that I should tell my father I was gay so he could give me all the top dog jobs that he did not give Alex, which mostly have to do with women. I don't know what or who this voice is but it's the reason I knew everything I knew everything I knew about where your mother was and her name and your fathers name as well. I did not want to tell you before because I knew you would just think that I was crazy, like you do right now. I wanted to found out just what this voice is and how to catch it in physical form. I love you Erica, please don't stop believing in me. From the first moment I saw you, I fell in love with you. Please don't do this to me. Don't do this..." he said, on his knees, crying. "I need a break from the Connor family. I need a break from all of this. I need an escape" I said, looking down at Oliver. I turned away from Oliver and walked forward, disregarding the fact that he just confessed that he loved me. I took a cab home and locked the door behind me. In my head, it would take something extremely horrible for me to start being in the lives of the Connor brothers again. They were Not to be trusted. And what about Emily? If she did not actually kill my mother and Genie, then why did she say that she did? It was all a blur.

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