Chapter 7 - Skeleton In the Closet

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I was sitting on Alex's bed, perplexed. Alex was sitting beside me, yet far away, trying to grasp my hand, but every time he extended his hand to mine, I just pulled away. He shifted closer to me. "I swear Erica, I would never do such a thing. You have to believe me. I would never hurt you. I didn't draw that, I swear". "So who did? its in your fucking room, Alex. I have to go. I cant stay here. Take me home." I said very assertively, letting him know that taking me home was not a choice; it was a must. He didn't say a word, and he dared not, because he was in no place to. He just stood up, took his car keys and went downstairs, and i followed. I was trying extremely hard to believe Alex, but I felt like believing Alex would mean that I was disregarding the fact that my mother could have been murdered by him, therefore disrespecting her soul. I walked slowly behind Alex, while he was walking quite fast, almost as though he was trying to prevent me from standing directly next to him. When we got to the parking lot of his house, he all of a sudden came to a stop. "Erica, I promise you, I will find who did this". "Open the damn car Alex, I want to go home" I said, with that assertive tone again. I could see him started to get red again, and his veins were popping out of his neck. He clenched his fist as he unlocked his car. He opened the door of the passenger seat but I just sat in the back, because I knew that I could not drive for about 30 minutes sitting next to him, because I would have lost my virginity by the end of the car ride. I went in the back and buckled my seatbelt. The whole ride was silent. It was so silent that you could hear a pin drop like it had a microphone attached to it. Remembering all the good moments I had with Alex, from him hitting me on my first day up till now, it made me silently weep. Was he really the cause of my mothers death? The one person I thought was actually genuine and looking out for me? What would be his reason to take my mothers life? I thought we were friends. All the self questioning was making my head throb. We finally arrived at my house, and it was covered with writing. Someone had come and vandalised our whole front door and front walls with sticky notes, with each having its own mind boggling message. For instance, one said "your mother is dead, and you're next" and another one saying "No apologies". I read the messages and just sat in front of the door. I looked back at Alex and he gave me the 'oblivious' look, as though he knew nothing about it. I didn't know if I should believe him or not. But he definitely couldn't have done this. I mean, I was with him the whole time. But I still didn't believe him. The drawing in his room really shook me, and his sight disgusted me. "Well, I can't leave you here alone Erica. This? All this? It's a threat. Listen, I'll stay away from you but I can't leave you alone here in this house, it's dangerous". "I don't want you around Alex, go away. I can take care of my damn self". I knew he wouldn't leave, and to be honest, even though I was beyond furious at him, I didn't want him to leave. I wanted him to stay. But I swallowed my cravings and just marched upstairs to my room, locking it behind me. While I was up there, Alex would call me every twenty minutes, and I would decline his call just to let him know that I was still alive. When I got tired I texted Alex to let him know that I was going to sleep, and he just told me to make sure I put my phone on silent.

I woke up around 7:30am, and it was a cold Sunday, at about 6 degrees Celsius. When I checked my phone, I couldn't believe it. Alex had called me all through the night, with about twenty minutes between each call. Why did he bother? I told him I was sleeping. Anyway, I put on my sweatshirt and a pair of shorts, and immediately went downstairs to check on Alex, because I still cared for him deeply, even though he may or may not be my mothers killer. I went downstairs and met Alex wide awake, and his eyes looked like he didn't sleep through the night at all. He was in the kitchen setting up what looked like breakfast. "Good morning. I didn't sleep at all last night, didn't wanna let my guard down and endanger you. I don't really know how to cook but I ordered some breakfast for you. Sorry it's not that fresh. I would've picked it up but I didn't want you in the house alone. Now, did you sleep well?" He said. You could tell he was completely deprived of sleep. His tone and use of words completely changed, coupled with his red, bloodshot eyes. "Alex, you didn't have to do all this. You need some sleep" I said, sarcastically. Of course he had to do all this. Until he was able to explain that painting, the only way I would talk to him was by him doing this. "Erica" he said, holding my hand, looking at me. "I want you to know that I had nothing to do with your mothers death. Okay, I know you're a Christian and shit, so I'll do this. I swear to God Erica, if I had anything to do with your mothers death, let me also die too. Let God strike me to death right now. Erica, see the truth is, I don't know what I've been feeling lately, but I love it. I love being with you. And I want to be with you all the fucking time. I would never kill your mother" he said, as his ocean blue eyes twinkled like the stars. I couldn't do it. Alex was not a bad lad, and he wouldn't hurt a fly. But I was still planning on keep an eye on him, because letting my guard down was not an option. Regardless, the thought of Alex wanting to be with me all the time made my heart flutter. "Me too Alex. Let's eat breakfast okay? And after you can get some sleep". We both sat down and ate breakfast, which was not the best, but the effort surprisingly made it taste better, like a strong spice or sweetener. "Thank you Alex, the food is great". As I was talking, he was already dozing off, and fell asleep next to me on the couch. When I was sure he was already asleep, I drew closer to him and started stroking his brown hair. White folk hair was very soft and silky, unlike my kinky curly 4c hair. His hair felt like a cloud. A very groomed, healthy cloud. He wore his hair in a slight fade, but he still had a full head of hair. Does that make sense? Hope it does. As I was stroking his hair, I whispered "I appreciate you, Alex Connor. I really do". Oh, That was the only time I could put his last name after his first name, too, because he did not like being associated with his family members, so he felt the need to cut his last name off, so everybody just called him Alex. Just thought I would let you know.

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