Chapter 10 - Trust Nobody

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So, Oliver killed Joe. He murdered an innocent boy, who was only telling the truth. And he did that to...warn me? to tell me to stay away from Alex? to be honest, I was going to stay away from him either way; he was a snake, and he was hiding a lot of things from me. How could he even expect me to listen to his explanation after his engagement party? why did he even want to own me and chase after me when he was engaged to Genie? So that was why she would always warn me to stay away from him. Anyway, back to Oliver. He killed Joe. I couldn't help but blame myself for his death, because I told Oliver what he had told me regarding his sexuality. Oliver was very honest, though. He was completely transparent, and it felt like he would never lie; even about something as dark as ending Joe's life. As I was pondering on the whole situation, I hear the door downstairs close, and my heart sank. I immediately carried my butchers knife and tip-toed downstairs, leaving my room door open. As I was going downstairs , I heard somebody coming upstairs. All of a sudden, I saw Alex. "What the fuck mate? You scared the shit out of me. And how did you get in? The door was locked". "I picked the lock. Listen, I knew that if I called you to let me in you would shun me, so I let myself in. I need to talk to you. Let's go upstairs" he said. There was no way I was letting him go to my room, which was smeared with blood. I knew he would ask me about it and I would have to say that I had been befriending his brother, who he hated completely. "No, let's just talk in the living room" I said, slurring my words like I was drunk. We got to the living room and we both sat down. "Erica" he said, grabbing my hand, "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. It's hard to explain". "Alex. You lied to me. Why are you and genie getting engaged? And why are you coming to talk to me about it? How will that help?" I said, more calmly than I expected. "I'll explain everything to you when the coast is clear. But for now just simmer down and trust me on this". "Fuck you Alex. I've been with your brother lately. He took me to see my mothers dead body. Now tell me Alex, did you know where my mothers dead body was too?" I asked, with a stern face. Alex went blank. "I was trying to protect your feelings..." and I interrupted him. "MY FEELINGS? ALEX, DO YOU REALLY CARE ABOUT MY FEELINGS? DID YOU CARE WHEN YOU BOUGHT THAT EXPENSIVE BLOODY RING FOR GENIE, BUT DIDN'T WANT ME TO SEE MY MOTHERS DEAD BODY WHEN I ASKED? AND HOW DID YOU BOTH GET TO KNOW ANYWAY?" I asked, basically shouting at this point. "Relax, stop shouting. I'll tell you when the time is right. I promise. And why are you hanging around with my brother? He's trouble, and he can murder you". "Oh yeah because you're so trouble free. Get out of my house Alex, before I call the police" I said, pointing towards the door, and he left immediately. I felt like I was falling in love with Alex, because although I was furious at him, seeing his face made me feel good, and special. I wanted so badly not to fall in love with him, because he was so mysterious, but it felt like every bad thing he did made me love him as much as hate him more and more. I went to bead early, at about 7pm, and I bawled my eyes out until I fell asleep.

I got ready for school in the morning while crying again. I could not believe that Joes blood was all over my wall. I felt like I murdered him, even though I used no hands. Joe did not deserve to die like that, and neither did my mother. Either way, my father was coming home the next day, and I was far from excited. Though I would know that he was safe, he was going to get my thoughts saturated by questions of why I wanted to see my mothers corpse. But that was not an issue, because I was a professional at dodging my fathers questions. Anyway, I wore my clothes and ran downstairs to walk to school, because if I started late I would arrive late. I got my stuff and went outside to find Oliver, just standing there. He lighted a cigarette and started to smoke, while looking straight at me. I had to admit that that Connors had good genes at that moment. "Don't question me. Just get in the car and let me take you to school. The windows are tinted, Incase you're ashamed to be seen with me. Okay?" He said, very seriously. "Oliver, um, does anyone else know that you....killed Joe?" I asked. "Nope, I'm looking for a grand way to reveal that. Get in, sexy" he said, pushing me into the car by the waist. I buckled my seatbelt and he got in the car and drove off, with no seatbelt.

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