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You say you don't want me, you scream it to no return, but here you are in my inbox trespassing a boundary that I'm trying to avoid. We said our truths so why come back like an angry boomerang as if nothing never happened? I'm happy without you but I know I'm happier with you, Or is that just the jungle juice sneaking its way into my lustful thoughts of you? The thought of having you makes my soul quiver, my mind melt, and have me gushy at the palm of your hands. Isn't that what you want? To have me stuck to you like glue? Or is the fact that you don't want any one to have me because your selfish? You never tell me what's on your mind nor d you have to cause you and I both know I deserve better than you. 

Forbidden Ode. Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now